Hetal Patil

Hetal Patil

Dasganu Maharaj’s Kirtan Brings Laxmichand To Shirdi

Dasganu quit his job as a police officer and became a messenger of Sai Baba. Wherever he went he will talk and sing about Him. He traveled to many places to spread Baba's name and fame. Dasganu Maharaj's kirtan gave birth to curiosity about Baba and Shirdi in the minds and hearts of the audience. One of such devotee was Lala Laxmichand, let us see how he reached Shirdi.
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Let’s Sing The Unsung This Women’s Day

This blog post from Sai Yug Network lists lady devotees of Sai Baba, then and now, in honor of International Women's Day. The post mentions Bayaja Maa, the mother of Nana Chopdar, RadhaKrishna Maai, Lakshmibai Khaparde, Seetadevi Ramachandra Tarkhad, Savitri Bai Raghunath Tendulkar, Laxmi Bai Shinde, and Durgabai Karmaarkar. Each of these women had a unique and special relationship with Sai Baba and contributed to his mission in different ways.
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Shirdi Sai Baba & Anger

We have often noted that Sai Baba used to get angry with His devotees. Sometimes to avert a danger at times to teach His devotee a lesson. Whatever the case may be, Sai Baba resorted to different methods to protect His devotees. We can compare this characteristic of Sai Baba with Lord shiva. On this Mahashivratri, let us see how simple jivas like us can conquer this emotion.
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