The practice of seeking answers to life’s questions through spiritual means has been prevalent for centuries. One such practice is seeking answers through Sai Baba. A unique aspect of this practice is the use of “yes” or “no” chits, which are believed to be a means of communication between the devotee and Sai Baba. In this article, we will explore the meaning and significance of seeking yes or no answers from Sai Baba, and delve deeper into the practice of using chits as a form of divination. We will also discuss the historical and devotional context surrounding Sai Baba’s teachings and the role they play in the practice of seeking answers through the use of chits.
“जो जो मज भजे जैशा जैशा भावे | तैसा तैसा पावे मीही त्यासी“
With Whatever Intensity, Passion And Devotion A Devotee Prays To Me, With The Same Intensity I Respond And Reciprocate
The above is the seventh promise out of Sai Baba’s 11 Promises. It states that Baba will respond to His devotees in the same emotional state in which they approach Him, which is a testament to His empathy and understanding. Sai Baba’s devotees believe that He has the power to understand their struggles and challenges and offer them the support they need to overcome them.
About a century ago, Sai Baba took Mahasamadhi, yet His influence on His devotees and followers remains as strong as ever. Additionally, Baba Himself proclaimed that seeing His picture or photograph alone is equivalent to having His darshan in Sai Satcharitra. In those times, devotees would journey to Shirdi to seek Baba’s counsel and guidance in person. There, they could consult with Baba directly and receive solutions to their problems and answers to their queries. Despite His physical absence, Baba’s presence still resonates deeply with those who follow him.
Kakasaheb Dixit, an ardent and devoted follower of Sai Baba, is known to have used a unique method to seek guidance from Baba. According to the Sai Satcharitra, Kakasaheb would cast chits, small pieces of paper with questions or doubts written on them, as a means of communicating with Baba. After Baba’s Mahasamadhi, Kakasaheb would abide by the decision that he received through this method. Kakasaheb Dixit’s practice of casting chits to communicate with Sai Baba has become a common practice among His devotees. This practice is based on the belief that Baba continues to guide and protect His followers, and that seeking His guidance through this method can lead to clarity and direction in one’s life. The practice serves as a reminder of Baba’s love and compassion and His unwavering commitment to His devotees even after His physical form has passed away.
The process of seeking guidance through the method of casting chits involves a simple and straightforward procedure.
- To begin with, one needs to prepare two chits with two options that they have in mind. These options can be ‘yes’ or ‘no’ or any other two choices that are relevant to the question or problem at hand.
- Once the chits are ready, the devotee needs to mentally ask question or express their doubts to Sai Baba.
- The chits are then diced or mixed up, ensuring that they are completely random and impartial.
- If there is a child nearby, they can be asked to choose and pick one of the chits. Alternatively, the devotee can close their eyes and pick one of the chits themselves. However, in this case, it is important not to open their eyes until they have opened the chit.
- Finally, the answer on the opened chit is considered to be Baba’s guidance, and the devotee must abide by it.
The practice of seeking guidance from Sai Baba through the method of casting chits is simple and can be followed anywhere and at any time. This method has been mentioned in Sai Satcharitra and has been used by many devotees, including Kakasaheb Dixit, who was a staunch follower of Sai Baba.
It is important to note that one should only cast the chits when they are truly confused and have no clear decision in mind. If there is even a 1% chance of clarity, it is better to go with that decision. Baba lives in the hearts of all, and we should strive to hear His voice within us. Only when the mind is cluttered with thoughts and there is utter confusion should we resort to this method.
If both options seem equally favorable or unfavorable, this method can be used to seek guidance. Baba has given us the wisdom to see things from all angles, and we should strive to put that wisdom into practice. By doing so, we can make clearer decisions and envision clear outcomes in our lives. Overall, the practice of casting chits to communicate with Sai Baba serves as a reminder of His love, compassion, and commitment to His followers, even after His physical form has passed away.
Sai Baba is always available to His devotees and ready to answer any question they may have. However, sometimes devotees may try to ignore the voice of Baba within them and turn to external methods, such as casting chits, to seek guidance. This is often because they want to avoid the clutter of thoughts and seek a shortcut to the answer.
In many cases, devotees may already have an inclination towards a particular answer, but they still seek confirmation from Baba. Baba is very merciful and will always guide His devotees in the right way, whether chits are cast or not. However, it is important to note that if a devotee’s inclination towards a particular answer is strong, that inclination itself may be Baba’s answer.
While seeking guidance from Baba through chits can be helpful in certain situations, it is also important to have faith in oneself and in Baba’s presence within. Devotees should strive to hear Baba’s voice within them and trust in His guidance. Seeking guidance from Baba for every small decision may indicate a lack of faith and confidence in oneself. Therefore, it is important to strike a balance between seeking guidance from Baba and trusting one’s own instincts. Overall, Baba’s love and compassion are always available to His devotees, and they should strive to hear His voice within them, whether through chits or other means.
It is important for devotees to remember that the chit method is a tool to be used only in times of confusion and doubt. Using it to manipulate the outcome or to satisfy our own desires goes against the very essence of the practice. Instead, we should cultivate a focused and faithful mind that is open to receiving Baba’s guidance through our intuition and inner voice.
We must have complete faith in Baba’s words and trust that His guidance is always in our best interest, even if it may not align with our expectations or desires. It is important to remember that Baba’s power is not limited by His physical body, and Baba attained the state of Mahasamadhi because of that His presence and influence continue to exist in this cosmos.
It is often recommended to seek guidance from Sai Baba by using yes or no chits when seeking answers to specific questions. However, it is also advised to ask Baba for his foresight when unsure about undertaking certain tasks. As individuals, we are limited in our ability to see the future, but Baba has a greater understanding of what is in our ultimate best interest. When seeking his permission, it is essential to trust his decision and abide by it entirely.
It is important to exercise caution when posing questions that may have a significant impact on our lives. Surrendering to Baba’s free will and allowing him to reveal the unfolding pages of our lives is the most beneficial approach. It is essential to remember that Baba has our best interests at heart and will guide us to make the best decisions for our lives. Trusting in Baba’s divine guidance will bring peace and fulfillment to our lives
When Baba gives an answer that is not aligned with our expectations, it is important to not doubt or blame Him, but instead to try and understand the deeper meaning behind His guidance. It may not be immediately clear to us, but we must trust that Baba’s words hold a deeper wisdom that we may not yet comprehend. Therefore, there is no need to repeatedly cast chits for the same question or doubt and rely on the answer that appears the most.
Ultimately, it is important to have complete faith in Baba and to surrender our doubts and fears to Him. By doing so, we can cultivate a deep connection with Him and receive His divine guidance in all aspects of our lives.
In conclusion, the method of seeking guidance from Sai Baba through the casting of chits is a simple yet effective practice that has been used by many devotees over the years. Baba’s love and compassion continue to guide and protect His followers even after His physical form has passed away. However, it is important to strike a balance between seeking guidance from Baba and trusting one’s own instincts. Baba’s spirit lives in the hearts of all, and devotees should strive to hear His voice within them. Ultimately, Baba will always guide His devotees in the right way, whether chits are cast or not, and it is up to each individual to have faith and trust in His presence.
Soon we will come out with a post on how to hear Baba’s voice within us.
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Bhagavad Gita Quote
At the end of each post, we will conclude with a relevant Shloka from Bhagavad Gita and its meaning, to provide deeper insights and inspiration for our readers.

सत्त्वानुरूपा सर्वस्य श्रद्धा भवति भारत | श्रद्धामयोऽयं पुरुषो यो यच्छ्रद्ध: स एव स: ||3||
— Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 17, Verse 3
Transliteration: sattvānurūpā sarvasya śhraddhā bhavati bhārata, śhraddhā-mayo ‘yaṁ puruṣho yo yach-chhraddhaḥ sa eva saḥ
Word by Word Translation: sattva-anurūpā—conforming to the nature of one’s mind; sarvasya—all; śhraddhā—faith; bhavati—is; bhārata—Arjun, the scion of Bharat; śhraddhāmayaḥ—possessing faith; ayam—that; puruṣhaḥ—human being; yaḥ—who; yat-śhraddhaḥ—whatever the nature of their faith; saḥ—their; eva—verily; saḥ—they
Translation: The faith of all humans conforms to the nature of their minds. All people possess faith, and whatever the nature of their faith, that is verily what they are.
Our interpretation: It is essential to have unwavering faith that everything the Divine does for us is for our ultimate benefit. We must not impose any limitations in our hearts, believing that faith only exists when our desires are fulfilled. Instead, we should nurture the mindset that every situation, whether good or bad, is for our ultimate good, and we have unconditional faith in this truth and the Divine. Such an attitude can transform a person’s character and shape their outlook on life.
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