Sai Nav Graha Shanti Mantra – Hindi Script

साईं तुम में सब लोक समायेसब ग्रह तुम से ही गतियां पाये सूर्य देव के तेज से मानवयश प्रताप की दौलत पाये चन्द्र देवता अति प्रसन्न होंतन मन को शीतल कर जायें मंगल भी अमंगल तज करमंगल मंगल ही कर…
साईं तुम में सब लोक समायेसब ग्रह तुम से ही गतियां पाये सूर्य देव के तेज से मानवयश प्रताप की दौलत पाये चन्द्र देवता अति प्रसन्न होंतन मन को शीतल कर जायें मंगल भी अमंगल तज करमंगल मंगल ही कर…
Shirdi Paavan Dhaam Jahaa Par Prakat Hue Sai Ram,Sai Ka Japte Hi Naam Sankat Talte Sabhi Tamaam… Sai Roop Me Aaye Dekho Shirdi Me Bhagwaan,Sai Paavan Naam Bhakto Kar Lo Ji Pranaam… Sai Parvat Ki Uchai Saagar Ki Gehraai,Sai Suraj…
In last post we read about how Hemapant was enrolled in Sai Baba’s Darbar. Continuing with the stories from Sai Sarovar, here is a story more interesting than the previous one. It clearly illustrates Baba’s Sambhav Drishti towards rich and…
Sai Devotee Nimesh has made awesome wallpapers on festive eve of Christmas. His devotion and love towards Baba is reflected clearly in his creative work. I have uploaded all the wallpapers for downloading as Christmas gift for blog readers. Click…
Merry Christmas Dear Sai Devotees Sai Baba has said, “The one who writes my Leelas, his ignorance will shed, all attachments to the worldly pleasure will be demolished for the one who hears my Leelas with undivided attention, waves of…
Sai Baba is Omnipotent. He knew Past, Present and Future of all. Here are few incidents which proves Baba’s all pervasiveness regarding Kaal (time). Baba has said that due to relations of past births, we are here together. The following…
Shirdi Sai Baba has said, “Let His man (Devotee) be at any distance, a thousand kos away from Him, he will be drawn to Shirdi, like a sparrow, with a thread tied to its feet”. Nobody knows which strings Baba…
As is rightly said “The more the better”. I have always tried to share any story, experience, picture, wallpaper, bhajans related to Shirdi Sai Baba through the medium of this blog. Each time I come across any of these, I…
Another touching experience by Sai Devotee Simi Jai Sai Ram, Wanted to share one of my experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba, as below, Koti Koti Pranam to Samarth Satguru Shri Sai Baba. Since quiet some time I was thinking of…