Character Sketch – Sai Baba Devotee Mhlasapti (Part – 2)

Last month part 1 of write up of Character Sketch – Sai Baba Devotee Mhlasapti was posted. Due to busyness of new married life and other posts dominating to be posted first, i could not share anything more this topic since long. So not delaying further i am sharing second part of same topic in today’s post.

In part 1 of this post, we had closely observed nature of Mhlasapati. Now moving further, let’s see how Baba maintained His relationship with Mhlasapati.

Being on intimate terms, Baba sometimes directly and sometimes indirectly, advised Mhlasapti on the path of spirituality. Towards the end of 18th century, Mhlasapati developed disguist from his life with the death of his only son. Now he was left with three unmarried daughters with a big responsibility on his shoulders. The land of seven acres, which he possessed reproduced nothing due to its infertility and shortage of water and money. Nor did the profession of goldsmith fledged him enough money. Now only remedy left with him was to adhere to the orders of his family deity Lord Khandoba. Once Lord Khandoba appeared in his dream and said, “Take Lord Khandoba’s idol from the temple to your home and worship Him there”.

In another dream Lord Khandoba appeared as an old man and said, “Do you think that you will not get food, if you leave the profession of goldsmith?” Mhlasapati replied in dream, “I will leave this profession”. Again Lord Khandoba said, “Touch My Feet and hold them tightly.” This dream meant that Lord Khandoba wanted Mhlasapti to leave all burden of earning, He will be taking care of these matters since then. Only one thing required from Mhlasapti was his undivided attention and refuge in Lord Khandoba’s Holy Feet and not to accept for any financial support from profession of goldsmith.

Hereafter Mhlasapati left gold business and adopted life style of a Sanyasi. He begged alms and stopped sleeping at home leaving behind his wife and three daughters because in other case it increased his worldly attachments.

In fact Mhlasapti had only two works left – one to be with Sai Baba all the time and two to sleep with Him. Mhlasapti received great pleasure in the company of Sai Baba. So he never left Baba, even while sleeping he was with Baba. Baba used to sleep alternatively in Dwarkamai and Chavadi. The same was followed by Mhlasapati. Before 1898, Mhlasapati accompanied Baba only in Chavadi, but after 1898, when Baba broke wooden plank, he started sleeping in Dwarkamai too.

In the year 1896, Baba said to him, “Oh Bhagat, listen to my Fakir-some words, they are always true. Why do you sleep with Me? Go and sleep at your home”. Mhlasapati was not all ready to leave Baba and sleep at home. But his friend Kashiram Shimpi pressed him to go home and took Mhlasapati to his home. Now Mhlasapti started sleeping at home from Janmashtami 1896 and in next Janmashtami 1897 a son was born to him.

Continued to Part 3 …

References to this post:

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
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