Dear Sai Readers, on April 11, 2008 this blog came into existence on blogoshpere. Since then it has been liked fabulously with increasing loyal and returning readers. With 700+ subscribers, 5,00,000+ page visits, post-count reaching near 500, 800+ readers’ comments, 5 e-books release, 1250+ likes on facebook page and 130+ followers, it has come up immensely above my expectations. Certainly whole credit i pass on to Lord Sai Baba. Whatever i do as a part of blog’s work, it is by Divine Command. I am a person who work in plans. I have my schedule prepared for next day today itself. When i wake in morning, i get engaged into something which Lord Baba directs me. This is happening from day one of starting the blogs. So i feel i have to take no credits for this work. Flipping the coin, on other side of it, we see same phenomenon. Any reader who visits and reads any write up is being directed by Lord Baba. The time the reader spends, the amount of information he gathers, all is at the wish of Lord Baba. So on both sides i am nothing and whole thing is taken care of by Lord Baba itself. But the support which my family has given me always, i worth mentioning here. Even i cannot forget contribution of Sai brothers and sisters directly and indirectly and lastly it is all because of readers who have always been to strengthen me. Along with this blog two more blogs i.e. Devotee Experiences with Shirdi Sai Baba and Download Shirdi Sai Baba Bhajans Mp3 Artis are celebrating their third birthday.
Coming back to celebration of today, post is divided into three parts. First part is cleared, now comes second. About 7 years ago, my father bought a personal computer with an extremely positive hope that i will learn some of its applications. My brother was already doing well in it, so all hope was on me. But i was rather interested. I always tried to skip the situation to sit before computer. As a working lady of modern advancement, i had to get my work done through this machine only which i really wanted to avoid. With no other option left for me, i learnt those applications which were in scope of my work and never bothered to do anything else.
The life turned to a different direction then and i was attracted to Lord Baba. As newbie devotee, i also started surfing internet, an ocean of knowledge, like many of us do. I used to read every possible thing i found about Lord Baba on internet. Hours were spent without having knowledge that i had not taken food or water. Every information burst into new thirst. I tried finding links of happenings during life and times of Lord Baba. This resulted into collection of various books on Him. The collection has become too vast today :)!!!
A Divine Inspiration came forward. I thought, like me there must be many devotees of Lord Baba who are searching for more and more enlightenment. Just then i came to know about what is blog and what does it serve. This made a way for me to share information with one and all with easy accessibility. At that time i was not at all well-versed with computers, then managing blog with all sorts of HTML codes (HTML is an internet language) was not an easy task. I did not give any second thought to my decision as i got answer to my question from within that Lord Baba was present to take care then why should i worry. Things came and passed by the way as they should be. Nothing came on my way which i could name as “hindrance”. All obstacles were surpassed by Lord Baba. Gradually my liking developed and i am now found clinged to this machine the whole day.
After marriage, due to my hubby’s job in other city, i joined Graphics and Web-designing course as i used to get bored at home the whole day. I thought it will also be helpful to me in blog work apart from free-time being utilised in a productive way. After completing about 6 months, we were given a project wherein we were supposed to prepare office stationery i.e. Visting Cards, Letter Heads, Envelopes, Brochures, Packing Material, Calendars, etc. of any product or service alongwith designing it’s logo and giving a slogan. This was an open option and thus confusion was much. Some students chose to work on stationery of the company where they worked. I was not working anywhere and so i was in high dilemma what to choose. 3-4 days passed in much thinking without coming out with any firm decision. Suddenly i thought why not take up theme of my own blogs. It can be grouped under service and being my life’s first project why not do it with Lord Baba’s name. The first thing needed was a logo. With enormous trial and errors, i came up with a logo and slogan. While designing, only thing kept in mind was “Uniqueness”. I did not show day to day work to my tutor while he was observing me toiling much on logo itself. My colleagues were towards end of their project and i was still stuck up with logo – the first step because i wanted it to be the best. I was not satisfied with anything which came out of by chance. At last, before two days, i finished up with logo. By the time i was able to complete the logo and slogan, i was supposed to hand-over whole project. My tutor had constant eye on me. Since it was work of Lord Baba, He will only get it done and when He was satified, i would be as well. This was known to my tutor and he extended submission dates for me!!! I got what i was not at all expecting rather i had made up my mind that i will be loosing marks of project due to late submission. Please have a look at the logo and slogan for all of my blogs. I hope it goes well with its motto.
Now comes the third part. As said already that i was also supposed to make a calendar. Naturally it was also chosen with the same theme. While today’s dear date was nearing, i was inspired to share calendar on blog too. I agree that it does not seem correct on my part to share calendar when three months have already gone. So instead of keeping download option open for all, i would request readers who wish to get calendar, to subscribe their emails to this blog from this subscription link and then i will mail calendar download link. Before subscribing please leave a comment to this post alongwith your mail id to avoid confusion. Present subscribers will be mailed calendar without subscribing again. If by chance if any present subscriber do not get it through mail, he/she can leave also comment. All calendar images are designed in 1400 x 900 screen resolution to fit your computer and laptop screens properly. The pictures of Lord Baba are all my favourite ones. I tried to make if different by not taking any picture of Samadhi Mandir which we commonly see in calendars. I hope you will like it. Below is screenshot of all months calendar clubbed into single for viewing.

Om Sai Ram
Hetalji u r doing well keepit up may baba bless u more & more
Thanks for all blogs send by u in devotee words
Om Sai Ram
You are truly blessed by SAI BABA JI. I red your all experiences. After reading your experiences, i can feel that every step of your life is planned by BABA JI. May SAI JI always inspire you to do good work always. I like all your calender's photographs. While sitting infront of laptop, i was selecting BABA JI's photos in the calenders shared by you. All are too good. I like all the calenders. I was like thinking that BABA JI's photograph in first calender is good, third one is too good, fourth one is good, sxith one is also good. Finally i reached at conclusion that all photographs are excellent.
Keep up good work always. BABA JI will always bless you..
One SAI BABA JI's devotee
Dear Hetal
You are truely a messenger of Baba. A chosen one. May He bless you millions fold.
Jai Sairam
Usha Kiran
awesome job…keep up the good work.
keep it up Hetal ji, you r doing gud work and you are baba's messenger for all of us, ur work, your messages helps us alot….May SAI bless you and your family ….!!
jai sai ram
sai ki beti
The calendar & Logo is so pretty hetalji.
you are sure to shine in your field.I'm sure Sai is with you every step of the way 😀
Shri Sachidanand sai nath maharaj ki jai