Sai Baba Women’s Day Wallpapers
This post is absolutely an inspiration of Sai Baba to us. Although all the posts of blogs of Sai Yug Network.com are His inspiration and guidance, this one has to be specially mentioned. It is out of totally nothing that this thought occurred to us this morning (March 6, 2022), and without any second thought looked like it was going to be completed, even though no prior reading and research were carried out. The time was less than a day to complete it but when Baba wills to complete something, nothing will be left incomplete and here we are with the post.
Tomorrow is March 8 International Women’s Day and so we were inspired by Baba to list out lady devotees of Sai Baba, then and now. We have cured a list of such devotees, whom we have read and seen remarkable contributions for the Sai Devotees. We request our devotee readers to add up to the names in the comment form at the end of the post.
Lady Devotees Of Sai Baba, Then
Bayaja Maa
Bayaja Bai Ganapath Kote Pail (Bayaja Maa) first recognized the divinity of Sai Baba when He came to Shirdi. She used to roam in jungles carrying a basket of eatables and searched Sai Baba Who used to be in deep meditation. After finding Him, she spread out the eatables and made sure Baba eats the food. Baba experienced motherly love through Bayaja Maa. Baba never forgot what Bayaji Maa did for HIm and blessed her son and her family. (Ref: Chapter 8 of Shri Sai Satcharitra)

Mother of Nana Chopdar

The mother of Nana Chopdar was an old lady who used to talk about Baba when He came to Shirdi as a young boy of 16! She said that this young lad, fair and handsome was first seen sitting in deep meditation under the Neem tree. When people saw this attractive young lad performing such penance they were astonished. At this tender age during the hours in meditations, scorching heat or the bitter cold did not make any effect on Him. This way she drew the attention of other people of Shirdi who took Sai Baba only as a mad Fakir.
RadhaKrishna Maai
RadhaKrishna Maai was a young widow and lived in Shirdi only for nine years yet she has been instrumental in starting rituals like Noon Arti and Shej Arti (Ref: Services of RadhaKrishna Maai In Shirdi). The chariot procession was also her idea. She decorated the Dwarkamai and Chavadi with buntings and mirrors. The whole ambiance of Shirdi was changed by her. At the same time, she was revered by many devotees that came to Shirdi. Sai Baba used to call her RadhaKrishni because she used to carry a metal idol of RadhaKrishna. Her contribution to making Shirdi a Sansthan and her toil and efforts have been tremendous. (Read more about RadhaKrishna Maai here)

Lakshmibai Khaparde

Lakshmibai Khaparde was devoted to Sai Baba immensely. She used to visit Shirdi often with her son and husband. Seeing her devotion, Baba had blessed the entire family. We have already shared a few of her experiences on this blog, please navigate here to read the stories. Baba asked her to chant “Rajaram Rajaram” and blessed her by narrating her previous birth and their relationship. (Ref: Chapter 27 of Sai Satcharitra)
Seetadevi Ramachandra Tarkhad
Tarkhad family’s experiences with Sai Baba have been known to all devotees of Sai Baba. We have read how Baba favored her son (Ref: Chapter 9 of Sai Satcharitra). Mrs. Tarkhad used to go to Shirdi off and on and spent many days with her son.

Savitri Bai Raghunath Tendulkar

Mrs. Savitribai Tendulkar has published a Marathi book named “Shri Sainath Bhajan Mala” containing 800 abhangas and padas describing the Leelas of Baba. It is a book worth reading by those who are interested in Baba.“ Once Baba came to her dream of settling her husband’s pension amount. She wants Baba to decide the amount. Such was her devotion to Baba. (Ref: Chapter 29 of Sai Satcharitra)
Laxmi Bai Shinde
Sai Baba gave her nine rupees as Dakshina before taking Mahasamadhi. She used to bring rotis and subji for Baba every day. One day Baba was standing by the wall when Laxmibai came and joined her palms in prostration. Baba said, “Laxmi, I am very hungry”. She went home, prepared rotis and vegetables, and brought them to Baba. He took the plate of rotis and placed it before a dog. Laxmibai said, “Baba, what is this? You were hungry; then why did You give it to the dog?”
He said, “Why? Is the dog not a living being? It also feels hungry. I and the dog are one”. This was a direct precept to Laxmibai from Baba. Just five minutes before His Nirvana, He gave a total of nine rupees to Laxmibai. (Excerpt from ShirdiChe Sai Baba Book)

Durgabai Karmaarkar

Durgabai Karmaarkar came to Shirdi woman wearing a black sari and carrying an infant in her hand. Seeing Baba she forgot everything and wanted to be at His feet. Baba did not allow her to return back and took care of her basic necessities. She remained devoted to Him forever. (Read more about Durgabai from here)
Chandrabai Borkar
Sai Baba said that Chandrabai was His sister of seven births. She had firm and steady devotion to Sai Baba. She had surrendered completely to Him. (Read more about Chandrabai Borkar from here)

Helper of Kakasaheb Dixit

The helper of Kakasaheb Dixit, sister of Namya, has also played a remarkable contribution to explaining the state of attitude to DasGanu Maharaj. (Ref: Chapter 20 of Sai Satcharitra)
Parvatibai Saptnekar
Mr. Saptnekar went to Shirdi on his father’s order, but he was received by Baba with “Chal Hat” (Go away). He felt insulted and did not want to go to Shirdi to be insulted again. Sai Baba gave Parvatibai darshan in a dream and called her to Shirdi. When she goes to Shirdi, she sees that Baba was the same Fakir Whom she saw in the dream. Baba said to her, “Take as many as you want, one, two, three, four” and blessed her with eight kids. She remained indebted to Sai Baba till her last breath.

Tarabai Tarkhad

Smt. Tarabai Sadasiva Tarkhad of Poona came to know Baba’s name through her brother-in-law Sri. R. Tarkhad of Bombay, who was a Director of a mill there.
The list is a long one and as and when Sai Baba guides us, we shall post detailed write-ups about other lady devotees of Sai Baba. However not to miss this rare opportunity, we especially would like to pay our tribute and respect to the Wives of prominent devotees of Sai Baba who supported their husbands to serve Baba in Shirdi and take care of the doubled responsibility back home. Their indirect contribution to us has been fantabulous. We also have great honor for the local lady devotees who took care of the necessities of food and hospitality of the pilgrims to Shirdi.
Lady Devotees Of Sai Baba, Now
Dr. Vinny Chitluri

Dr. Vinny Chitluri is a historian who had researched extensively about Sai Baba of Shirdi and documented her research as books. She has filmed many of the researches which is a great treasure for an aspirant of Sai Baba like her. Her contribution to the family of Sai devotees has been tremendous. In a way, We know a lot about Baba because of her. She is rightly known as the “Walking Encyclopedia of Sai Baba”. All devotees must be aware of her youtube channel, still sharing for our first-time visitors.
Website: https://www.mysaibaba.com/
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLMH9DIZFMztjJ7-jrJPzMA
Jaya Wahi
Jaya Wahi, called Di Jaan, is a Spiritual Guru, Social Reformist, Healer, Author, Reiki Master & Philanthropist. She is the author of the best seller “Sai Baba Is Still Alive”. She has received many awards for her service to humanity and is recognized as a devotee of Sai Baba all over the world. Her second book “108 Pearls Of Sai Baba” is the jottings that she received in a trance state of oneness with Sai Baba.
Website: http://www.saibabaisstillalive.org/
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnb6PA08HFf9hRpfPlZgy0A

Pooja Garg

Pooja Garg is Founder of Global Mahaparayan. She got the inspiration to work on the module of Mahaparayan on a global level through a few dreams from Sai Baba. Devotees around the world read two chapters of Sri Sai Satcharitra every Thursday and make a global move towards a better world. Baba has made her instrumental in binding His devotees.
Website: https://mahaparayan.com/
Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/MahaParayan
Dr. Indira Kher
Dr. Indira Kher has translated the original Marathi Sai Satcharitra which was in Ovi meter styled on the Eknathi Bhagwat. The task of rendering the Pothi into English is a magnificent accomplishment. It transfers the nectar of reading the poetry form of Sai Satcharitra into English, a direct version of the original Sai Satchaitra in English. She was the Editor of Sri Sai Leela Magazine, Shirdi, English Edn., for two and a half years from July 1985.

Mrs. Rekha Patel

Mrs. Rekha Patel has taken up the mammoth task of getting the book Sai Sarovar translated into English and Hindi. Her father had traveled extensively in the forests of Gujarat and Maharashtra and did extensive research about Sai Baba and contemporary saints. Inspite of many challenges in her way, she is still actively working on spreading rare information about Sai Baba.
With her due permission, we have translated many stories of the book which can be read here
Also, we cannot miss thanking the volunteers of the Sai Yug Network team who are mostly females and we cannot think of being this active without their contributions.