Doors of ‘Dwaaraavati’ are open for all Sai Devotees
Keeping in mind, everyday increasing number of devotees Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Shirdi has built Bhakt Niwas of 320 rooms and named it as “Dwaaraavati”. This landmark has been inaugrated on January 14, 2009 Wednesday in morning at 9:30 AM by Shri Shri Ravishankarji, author of “Art of Living” and under supervision and support of Chennai’s Shirdi Sai Trust’s Officer, Shri K.V.Ramani. On this occasion, renowned names like Chairman of Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Shri Jayant Sasane, Vice-Chairman Shri Shankarrao Kolhe, member of Sansthan Shri Ramkrishna Vikhe Patil, Dr, Eknath Gondkar, Shri Suresh Vabale, Shri Ashok Khambekar, Shri Pandurang Abhang and Shrimati Sumitra Kote were present.

During this occasion, donor Sai Devotee Shri K.V.Ramani gave a wonderful speech fully saturated with devotion towards Sai Baba and made present audience speechless. He said, “Today i got chance to sit with Shri Shri Ravishankarji. I consider it as my good fortune and feel myself the most fortunate. I am enjoying every moment. Shri Shri Ravishankarji not only teaches Yoga to all age groups, but he is also very much active in social services all over the world. I feel that due to such great saints our Mother India is said to be rich and land of India is considered very pious. There is no other country in the world in which saints take birth one after another.

Shri Sai Baba Sansthan has sufficiently made arrangements for accommodation of pilgrims, but due to increasing crowd it is not enough. Sansthan is ever ready to provide maximum facilities to devotees. Many steps are taken in this direction. Dwaaraavati Bhakt Nivas is also one of an important step. This step is small but its goal is very high. The work of “Sai Ashram” will be ready for residence to devotees by 2010.

Sansthan’s actions are worth praising on universal level. Since last five years Sansthan has been doing fabulous job. They are working only for benefit of devotees and providing more and more facilities. Sansthan will be starting information centers in major cities. To spread Baba’s name and teachings, Padukas are and will be taken in many cities of the world. Shri Sasane and his team are doing wondrous work and naming each person here is not possible.

I wish to be a simple Sai devotee only. Shirdi is undergoing major changes. Baba used to say, “Devotees will flock to Shirdi like ants” and no doubt we are experiencing this. We will be witness of many other major changes in Shirdi in next 10 years. This is possible only due to grace of Baba, Sansthan’s efforts and toil and contribution of devotees.

Sai Baba used to say, “If you come one step towards to Me, I will come ten steps towards you”. We are also experiencing this. If Sansthan takes one step, then ten devotees will get involved and 100 donors will come up. All these are Leela of Baba. Even one full day is not sufficient to describe all these Leelas.

No mediator or broker is needed to receive Baba’s grace. Baba used to say, “Come towards me with faith and patience, your wish will be fulfilled.” I am experiencing this since 24 years. Every moment I have got Baba’s blessings and with His grace now I have such mentality. We are fortunate that Baba Himself appeared before us to solve our problems. Almost every devotee coming to Shirdi comes with huge burden of worldly problems on his shoulders and Baba solves all his difficulties lovingly. We all are experiencing this.

Again Baba used to say, “There is no need of fasting. Come to Me after appeasing your hunger”. Even if Baba is not between us, still He is talking with us. The idol in Samadhi Mandir testifies His nature. He has also said, “God is One (Sab Ka Malik Ek Hai) and ultimately all humans are One and God is within all of us. So take pity on others and crores of devotees are getting blessed by Him”.

On this occasion Chairman of Sansthan Shri Sasane shared few words, “Devotees not only from our country but from other countries too are coming for darshan of Sai Baba. So Sansthan’s facilities of boarding pilgrims do not suffice. So Sansthan has constructed Dwaaraavati near its Dharamshala (Bhakta Niwas) spending Rs. 18 crores. It has 320 rooms in total of four floors including ground floor. All 80 rooms on fourth floor are air-conditioned. There is large parking lawn on ground floor and boarding facilities to drivers are also provided there. Four lifts having capacity of carrying 10 persons at a time are also built. Moreover the building is built in such a way that there is no dearth of natural light and fresh air. Latest technologies like Solar Water system and Rainwater Harvesting facility are also implemented.

Shri Shri Ravishankarji was honoured by giving shawl, coconut and Baba’s idol by Shri Shankarrao Kolhe on this occasion. In the same way Shri. K.V.Ramani was honoured by Shri Radhakrishna Vikhe Patil.

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
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