A Tribute to Swami Samarth of Akkalkot On Samadhi Day

Sai Baba Shirdi Stories, Sai Sarovar, How to Read Sai Satcharitra, How to Pray Sai Baba for success, Sai Baba Mantra for Success, Love, Marriage, Job, MahaParayan, Annadan Seva, Naam Jaap, History, Spiritual Discourses, Sai Baba Nav Guruwar Vrat, Sai Baba Divya Pooja, Sai Baba 108 Names, 1008 Names of Sai Baba, Sai Kasht Nivaran Mantra, Om Sai Rakshak Sharnam Deva Mantra | www.shirdisaibabastories.org
Based on English Calendar, April 30th, 1878 is the MahaSamadhi Diwas of Shri Akkalkot Swami Samarth Maharaj. Based on Hindu calendar, it is celebrated on the Chaitra Shukla Trayodashi of Hindu year, four days after Rama Navami festival.

Shri Akkalkot Swami Samarth Maharaj is an incarnation of Lord Dattatreya and reincarnation of Shri Narasimha Saraswati, the earlier incarnation of Lord Dutta.

Connection Between Shri Akkalkot Swami and Shri Shirdi Sai Baba

There are great similarities in the lives of Shri Swami Samarth Maharaj and Shri Sai Nath Maharaj. Both are incarnations of Lord Dattatreya and one with each other. Both have similar ways of uplifting the devotees and advancing them on spiritual paths.

In Chapter 26 of Shri Sai Satcharitra, there is story about Mr. Ambedkar and how his life was saved by reading the biography of Shri Akkalkot Swami Samarth. Also, there is a story of Shri Harishchandra Pitale, how he and his family were blessed by Shri Sai Baba and were given 3 ruppes for pooja. Later the mother of Shri Pitale told that his father also took Shri Harishchandra Pitale to Akkalkot and were blessed in a similar way.

In Chapter 5 of Shri Sai Satcharitra, there is the Story of Padukas (foot-prints) under the Neem Tree. A devotee of Akkalkot Maharaj by name Bhai Krishnaji Alibagkar worshipped the photo of Akkalkot Maharaj. He once thought of going to Akkalkot (Solapur District), taking the darshan of the Padukas (foot-prints) of the Maharaj and offering his sincere worship there; but before he could go there, he got a vision in his dream. Akkalkot Maharaj appeared in the vision and said to him – “Now Shirdi is my resting place, go there and offer your Worship.” So Bhai changed his plan and came to Shirdi, worshipped Baba, stayed there for six months and was happy. He wanted to go to Akkalkot after taking the darshan of Baba. He asked Baba’s permission for this. Baba said – “Oh, what is there in Akkalkot? Why do you go there? The incumbent Maharaj of that place is here, Myself.” Hearing this Bhai did not go to Akkalkot. He came to Shirdi off and on, after the installation of the Padukas.

Just before Shri Akkalkot Maharaj had left his gross body, one devotee named Keshav Nayak who was emotionally charged, asked “Maharaj, since you are going, who will give us protection?”. Shri Swami Samarth gave him a pair of his sandals to worship. He told him “In future I will be staying at Shirdi in district Ahmednagar”.

Shri Akkalkot Swami Samarth always says to devotees, “भिऊ नकोस मी तुज्या पाठीशी आहे – Bhiu Nakos Mi Tuzya Pathishi Aahe” meaning “Don’t be afraid. Go ahead. I am with you”.

Similarly Shri Shirdi Sai Baba always says, “Why Fear when I am here”.

All These clearly show that Swami Samarth and Shri Shirdi Sai Baba are Pne and they are the manifestations of the same Divine Spirit in two gross bodies.

Teachings of Shri Akkalkot Swami and Shri Sai Baba

The teachings of both Spiritual Masters are fundamentally the same.

  • Realizing the Divine is the ultimate goal of human birth
  • Importance of Naam Jaap, meditation, reading holy scriptures
  • Purity of word and thoughts, Doing good deeds
  • Compassion and love for all living beings
  • Complete surrender to the Sadguru
Sai Baba Shirdi Stories, Sai Sarovar, How to Read Sai Satcharitra, How to Pray Sai Baba for success, Sai Baba Mantra for Success, Love, Marriage, Job, MahaParayan, Annadan Seva, Naam Jaap, History, Spiritual Discourses, Sai Baba Nav Guruwar Vrat, Sai Baba Divya Pooja, Sai Baba 108 Names, 1008 Names of Sai Baba, Sai Kasht Nivaran Mantra, Om Sai Rakshak Sharnam Deva Mantra | www.shirdisaibabastories.org

Celebrating MahaSamadhi Diwas Of Shri Akkalkot Swami Samarth Maharaj

To pay tribute to Shri Akkalkot Swami Samarth, we request all devotees to pray and chant names of any form of Maharaj whether as Shri Akkalkot Swami or Shri Sai Baba or Lord Dattatreya. One can offer any form of prayers with devotion:

  • Reading any chapter of Shri Guru Charitra
  • Reading any chapter from the biography of Shri Akkalkot Swami Samarth
  • Doing Aarti of Shri Akkalkot Swami Samarth (youtube)
  • Naam Jaap of mantra “Shri Swami Samarth Jai Jai Swami Samarth”
  • Chanting 108 names of Shri Akkalkot Swami (English or Hindi)

May Shri Sai Baba and Shri Akkalkot Maharaj bless the whole universe with good health and reduce the current suffering.

Jai Jai Swami Samarth!

Jai Jai Sai Samarth!

© Shirdi Sai Baba Life Teachings and Stories Member of SaiYugNetwork.com

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 489


  1. Om Om Sai Ram Jai Jai Sai Ram
    Jai Sainath maharaja ki
    Jai swami Akkalkot maharaja ki
    sharanam sharanam

  2. Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai!!
    Om Sai Samarth!!
    Digambara Digambara Sri Pada Valabha Digambara!!

  3. Jai Swami Samarth Maharaj Ki!
    Based on Hindu calendar, today is Swami’s Mahasamadhi Diwas!
    Love you Deva!

    Shri Swami Samarth Jai Jai Swami Samarth Maharaj; Shri Swami Samarth Jai Jai Swami Samarth!

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