Unlock the mystical depths of "Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak," the sacred chant devoted to Sai Baba. Delve into its literal and spiritual significance, understanding why devotees joyfully sing praises to the supreme cosmic power, Shri Sachchidanand Sathguru Sainath.
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Who Is Sai Baba's Fakir? - The post tries to highlight what Baba meant by addressing HImself as Fakir many times. Baba talked about His Sircar and an attempt has been made to analyze what He meant and conveyed to us.
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This article discusses 11 promises made by Sai Baba. The promises are a message to His followers for which He descended on earth. The author explains that the promises are often misinterpreted due to distorted meanings when translated into other languages. The promises include assurance of deliverance from sufferings, defeating sorrow, and receiving Baba's help and blessings. The author provides their interpretation of each promise and emphasizes the importance of having intense faith in Baba, feeling His presence everywhere, and surrendering completely to Him. The article concludes that fulfilling of these promises is not unrealistic but requires devotion, faith, and trust in Baba.
Read MoreThere Are Two Shirdi(s)
On this Mother's Day, remembering a few instances where Sai Baba acted like a Mother to the author of this blog. Hope each one of us can relate and recall such instances.
Read MoreThe Motherly Love Of Shirdi Sai Baba