Shirdi Sai Baba’s Leela of Five Rupees

In the last post, we had seen how Sai Baba called Gopal Ganesh to Shirdi as a sparrow with thread tied to its leg. All the strings were in Baba’s hands, but outwardly He was un-concerned. He was the sole…
In the last post, we had seen how Sai Baba called Gopal Ganesh to Shirdi as a sparrow with thread tied to its leg. All the strings were in Baba’s hands, but outwardly He was un-concerned. He was the sole…
One day while sitting in Dwarkamai Sai Baba broke His silence and started narrating an incident as under…..Once I went to Aurangabad while roaming here and there. There was a mosque with a big tamarind tree in its centre. A…
Om Sai Ram, In this post I am presenting history of Sai Baba temple of Rajkot (Saurashtra Region of Gujarat). I came across this write up in the Dwarkamai magazine and it so touched that I translated for you all.…
Whenever the name of Shirdi is mentioned, Sai Baba’s charming face comes in front of the eyes of the heart of Sai Devotees. The head of the devotees automatically bows down and the hands get folded. The incredible leelas of…
I, Sunil Walvekar reside in Borivali Mumbai. I have a shop of watch repairing since 1993, which runs with Sai Kripa. I started this business on a small bench. My wife, my brother, and I all work hard in unison,…
Chidambar Keshavrao Gadgil was devotee of Sai Baba. He was a government official. He was a secretary of town’s collector. Afterwards he became Mamlatdar of Sinnar. Sinnar was near to Shirdi and thus he had opportunity of getting Baba’s darshan…
Nanasaheb Chandorkar was a strict devotee. He observed all rituals. It was his practice that he gave offering first to Agni Dev (i.e. God of fire), then he waited for some guest to come and served him food. After that…
In the year 1914, a Parsi lady named Fenibai came to Shirdi with her young son Kavas. The boy was as beautiful as Lord Krishna. One would feel that Lord Krishna had come to the earth leaving the heaven in…
Shirdi Sai Baba’s method of giving blessings was quite unique. To some He gave darshan in dream, to some He gave darshan in any other form, to some He specially called Shirdi. The fact that if we worship Sai Baba…