When Sai Baba Calls, Devotee Comes To Shirdi

There is a belief that when Sai Baba calls to Shirdi, then only a devotee can go to Shirdi. This prevailed from the times of Sai Baba and here is such an translated excerpt from the book Sai Sarovar
There is a belief that when Sai Baba calls to Shirdi, then only a devotee can go to Shirdi. This prevailed from the times of Sai Baba and here is such an translated excerpt from the book Sai Sarovar
In the last post, we had seen how Sai Baba called Gopal Ganesh to Shirdi as a sparrow with thread tied to its leg. All the strings were in Baba’s hands, but outwardly He was un-concerned. He was the sole…
After a long gap, I got a chance to do parayan of Sai Satcharitra and today I will be completing it with Baba’s grace and will. The moments spent with this sacred book makes one feel Divine Presence of Sai…
A description has been given about the Tarkhad family in Sai Satcharitra in Chapter 9. Blessed were the souls who were in Baba’s company and could see Him with their eyes, could feel His presence, could take food with Him.…