Sai Baba is helper of His devotees, nothing could be compared to Him, Bhakti of Sai Baba cannot be ranked on any scale of the world. Maya cant tease any Bhakta of Sai Baba, in whose heart Sai Baba resides. A person can only understand the secrets of Sai Baba, on whom Sai Baba showers His mercy. The road for attaining Sai Baba is very easy, but many unfortunate people dont accept the road.

Once Vamanrao started reading Mayavati literature written by Vivekananda when he was in Shirdi. Meanwhile he came to a topic named Hard Routes of Knowledgeable persons. As the topic was difficult to understand, it made him boring at some places. So in between his reading, he came to Dwarkamai, took darshan of Sai Baba and went away. He was not all bothered whether Sai Baba was present in Dwarkamai or not. He could easily understand the meaning © Shirdi Sai Baba Life Teachings and Storiesof the topic, when he started reading after his round to Dwarkamai.

One day Sai Baba said to him, See this farm. There is no one to look after the farm, so all the cattle will eat away the crops. This means whatever Punya is done by you must be protected by Vrat (Fast), Niyam (Rule) and Sanyam (Patience), otherwise every thing will be washed out.

On one night, when Vamanrao sat with Sai Baba in Dwarkamai, Sai Baba placed His loving hand on Vamanraos head and transferred Saktipaat Yog in him. He spoke in sweet words, Blessings of Lord Shankar are on you. In this way Sai Baba gifted some divine powers.

Many such incidents were the outcome of the relation which Sai Baba and Vamanrao shared. I really got confused which ones to include and which to omit. I will narrate one more small incident and keep the rest for some other time.

One day when Vamanrao sat worshipping Sai Baba, he thought in his mind, today Sai Baba is among us and we are doing His Seva Pooja by Chandan, Flowers, Incense Sticks, massaging his body, but when This Body will not be present, then to whom we shall worship?

Sai Baba is omnipotent and He immediately came to know the thoughts taking place in Vamanraos mind. In His answer Sai Baba said, Oh! Do you think that This Body is only Sai Baba? I am Forever. Dont worry if I am not on this earth. Why do you think like that?

Source : Translated from Gujarati Book “Sai Sarovar

© Shirdi Sai Baba Life Teachings and Stories

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 489

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