Shiv Sai – Another Blessed painting by Lady Sai Devotee
Sai Baba has blessed everyone with some unique talent. Few devotees like me (and of course including me) try to put into action their devotion through medium of internet, while few being away from this technology are showing their devotion with beautiful colours and few others who are not concerned in any of these ways except their love and devotion silently be with Him and finally merge in Divinity. Well all is Baba’s wish and we only are the medium to see it taking shape around us.

Lot of hidden talent is coming upward since few days. Baba has not laid any boundaries for His devotion. Anyone is free to do anything provided it is done with true and dedicated feelings (Sache Bhav).

A message was lying unread in message board of SAI TERE HAZAARON NAAM blog from Sai Devotee Kuldeep Jaiswalji residing in Satna (MP). Taking it to be general message it did not attract my attention on first glance. After wondering through few pages of the blog, I read the message which contained a request, “hetalji jai sai ram main aapko ek baba ki painting email karna chahta hoon [painting by my wife priti] hamen asha hai aap ushe apne blog mein rakhenge….om sai ram” meaning “Hetalji, Jai Sai Ram, I wish to mail you a painting of Sai Baba which is painted by my wife Priti. I hope you will upload it on your blog. Om Sai Ram”.

As always my reply was instant and within no seconds I provided him my email id to send soft copy of painting to me which is attached with this post. I received mail yesterday and it clearly showed by Kuldeepji was very happy to share the painting. He wrote nothing except first two lines of my favourite bhajan “Sai Teri Leela Kabhi Samaj Naa Paau Main, Tere Charno Mein Sadaa Shish Jukaau Main”.

In this painting though Baba is in white beard, he looks young. His eyes have strange powers to attract anyone at first sight. Needless to say that this was Baba’s real outward personality and it has been very beautifully depicted on canvas. I thank Kuldeepji and Pritiji for sharing this beautiful piece of love with all of us.

Devotees can share their views and suggestions by commenting to this post.

The original picture is of about 4 MB in size so it has been uploaded on file sharing site. To Download or view image in its original format and size please click here

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 489


  1. Jai Sai Ram…
    Wonderful…!! Baba blessed His bhakta's in different ways… & Only He knws His Leelas…
    Really great work by Priti Ji… Baba bless u & ur family…
    Jai Sai Ram…

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