The First Of Its Kind – Shri Shirdi Sai Satcharita Ceremonial Parayan in Canada

The prime literature Shri Sai Satcharitra with History of Lord Sai Baba’s life and His principles is the ultimate treasure for us which was written with divine instinct and permission of Lord Baba Himself. Reading of this sacred text, produces desired results alongwith receiving abundant blessings from Lord Baba. Keeping this aim in mind Shri Shirdi Sai Satcharita Ceremonial Parayan has been started in Canada by Shri Shirdi Sai Baba Sansthan, Canada (Toronto). I am projecting the main highlights and details of this event below.

Guiding Principles

All Operations and Activities of the Sansthan are guided by the Principles of :SHRADHA (Faith) and SABURI (Patience).

Shri Sai Baba an Inspiration of millions during His life time continues to be a beacon of spiritual enlightenment even after 92 years of giving up His mortal coil.

Sai Baba of Shirdi who epitomized religious tolerance, love, and compassion for the fellowmen continues to draw millions of people all over the world to His path.

In commemoration of the essence of Shri Sai Baba’s message of universal brotherhood – His teachings to the ever-growing devotees and the omnipresence of Divinity, Shri Shirdi Sai Baba Sansthan, Canada (Toronto) announces CEREMONIAL SATCHARITA PARAAYAN to unite all Shirdi Sai Devotees and Humanity at large as One Forum on One Platform – THE EARTH, as One Piety under One Umbrella – THE SKY. As Baba Always said – “ALLAHA MALIK – GOD THE SUPREME”


  • Baba’s Ceremonial Satcharita Paraayan is being organized to invoke Shirdi Sai Baba’s blessings in every Home in Canada and spread His divine teachings.
  • To promote active participation in Sai activities.
  • Baba stood for Universal peace and supported all religions and creatures besides Human beings. Hence, host, volunteers and every participant is urged to use this event to propagate the religious tolerance and universal peace Baba manifested on this earth for.
  • To have an opportunity to personally serve Baba to the extent each one of us can.
  • To Seek Baba’s grace in the convenience of one’s own home in the way Baba inspires.


Let us on this Thursday, invoking Shri Sai Baba’s blessings contemplate on those beautiful stories of Sai Satcharita and pray that Baba would provide the same happiness and satisfaction to the participants of the Ceremonial Satcharita Parayan. As Baba said, “I shall serve those who narrate my leelas (stories) I will satisfy all their wishes. Even if my Leelas are merely listened to, all their diseases will be cured and I shall pull out devotees from the jaws of impending dangers.”

To host a Parayan and invite Baba to your home, please write to:

In the email request please include the following:

a) Full family name

b) Complete postal address, email address, phone and cell number.

c) Date requested to host a Parayan and the date of completion to return Pothi to Shri Sai Dwarkamai in Toronto.

d) No. and Language of Satcharitas required.

e) Devotees can choose to do Saptah, 3days, 1day Aakhand Parayan or 40days Parayan or in the way Baba inspires you.

Completion and Udhayapan:

The Ceremonial Parayan will end in 2011 before Guru Purnima with two days SAI Utsav in Toronto. The date, venue and Udhayapan ceremony will be announced later. The program of the Utsav will include Bhajan Sandhaya by renowned artists, discourses, live stage show by the team of Sai Baba Movie. Other details to follow. To volunteer and participate in organizing this event please contact by sending email to or by calling 001-416-294-4804 by commenting to this post.

Registeration Procedure:

All registrations are by first come first serve basis and can be registered by sending email only to or by commenting to this post. Registrations will not be taken over the phone. Volunteer to be an Anchor home in your city to help devotees host a parayan, please submit your request and allow 2 to 3 weeks to receive Satcharita in all the languages available. For information call 001-416-294-4804.

Subscribe to this for future updates.

May His Infinite Consciousness And Grace Shine Upon All Humble Efforts To Pay Homage To His Resplendent Life and Teachings.”

Invocation Ceremony Held On November 18, 2010:

Our Obeisance to Shri Ganesh, To Shri Saraswati, and Shri Guru Maharaj! To the Family Deity, To Shri Sita-Ramchandra. Our most Humble Obeisance! We Bow In Reverence To The Most Venerable Guru Shri SAINATH!

Let us today on Thursday, November 18th 2010, invoking Shri Sai Baba’s blessings contemplate on those beautiful stories of Sai Satcharita and pray that Baba would provide the same happiness and satisfaction to the participants of the Ceremonial Satcharita Parayan.

As Baba said, “I shall serve those who narrate my leelas (stories) I will satisfy all their wishes. Even if my Leelas are merely listened to, all their diseases will be cured and I shall pull out devotees from the jaws of impending dangers.”

Venue: Shri Sai Dwarkamai
147 Winston Castle dr.
Markham ON, L6C 2N4
PH: 001-416-294-4804

“May His Infinite Consciousness And Grace Shine Upon All Humble Efforts To Pay Homage To His Resplendent Life and Teachings”

Suggested Reading: All About Sacred Text – Shri Sai Satcharitra

© Shirdi Sai Baba Life Teachings and Stories

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 489

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