Open Your Heart To Know What, Who And Where Shree Sai Baba Is

Sai Brother Dasaradhi from India says: On 24th of June, 2014 Swami Sankaracharya Swarupananda of DwarakaPeeth, made some controversial Statements regarding Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi mentioning the following things in his talk to the Press and Media.¬Shirdi Sai Is not God or an Avatar.¬ Temples shouldn’t be constructed for Sai. ¬ Muslims do not pray to Shirdi Sai. ¬ The Unity between Muslims and Hindus doesn’t exist. ¬ Some associations which are abroad are trying to suppress Hinduism in the pretext of making publicity for Sri Sai. ¬ Shirdi Sai is not the Avatar mentioned in any of the Hindu Epics, Vedas or Spiritual Books and hence need not be worshipped. The above Statements are given by Swami Sankaracharya Swarupananda of Dwarakapeeth, Dwaraka, Gujarat with the intention of gaining false publicity through press and media as he is known only in Gujarat or may-be out of jealous that enormous number of Devotees are growing year by year for Shirdi Sai not only in India but also Abroad.

I doubt whether Swami Sankaracharya Swarupananda ever read the Life History of Sri Sai with a pure mind and heart in any language and tried to understand about Sri Sai Baba’s personification on this earth where Baba lived in Shirdi for more than 60 years. Sri Sai never proclaimed Himself as God. He always lived a simple life without expecting anything in return as long as He lived in Dwarkamai. He always uttered ‘’Allah Malik’’ or ‘’Sab ka Malik Ek”. Sri Sai always tried to diminish the racial or religious differences that were existing in men and brought everyone onto the same platform-the sect of ‘Humanity’. Baba never insisted anyone to give Him a gift in-return for the works done by Him nor ordered to build any Temple (Mausoleum) for Him. Many Miracles are taking place even after His Mahasamadhi. Sai motivated Sri. Booty of Nagpur to build a beautiful temple of Lord Krishna and the work was started voluntarily but not by force in the year 1917 and was completed in the year 1918. Baba’s Divine Immortal Body was placed in the Mandir constructed by Nagpur Crorepati Sri. Booty with the will and wish of all Muslims and Hindus on October 15th, 1918.

People in India and Abroad consider Sri Sai Baba of Shirdi as a Teacher, Spiritual Master, Guru, Friend, Fakir, Father, Mother, Avatar, God or Goddess as per their own experience of their mind and body. In a country like India, nobody has the right to say others whether to accept another person as God or to keep him away until and unless there is a risk by that person to the society. Even the Government never tries to suppress the beliefs or the interests of the devotees of any God or Goddess. There are no cases reported so-far from 1858 to till-date regarding the direct or indirect damage done by Sri Sai to any Human being or even to a small creature. As long as Sri Sai is in mortal form, He tried to boost-up the essence of Hinduism, Vedas, Upanishads, rituals and practices of Hinduism and respected all religions and taught the theme of those religions to the people belonging to those religions. Baba never diverted any devotee of Lord Rama, Krishna, Hanuman, Ganapathy or Vittal to leave their God or Goddess whom he or she trusts and never commanded anyone to come and fall on His feet or to become His disciple. Sri Sai gave due and humble respect to all Religions might-be he is a Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Buddhist, Christian, Jain, Zoroastrian etc..

Sri Sai respected contemporary Swami ji’s like Swami Samarth of Akkalkot and Tembey Swami of Rajahmundry. He also respected Fakirs, Aulias, Mujaawars, Sufis, Pastors, Hajis and Priests alike without any partiality. It was only with the initiation of Radhakrishna Mai and other staunch devotees of Shree Sai Baba that Shree Sai Sansthan was formed in Shirdi but Baba never insisted anyone even to give anything or something for the Sansthan. Presently Shri Sai Baba Sansthan Trust, Shirdi, is the authorised body to control and manage the day-to-day activities of Shri Sai Baba Samadhi Mandir. Sansthan provides various facilities like accommodation for the devotees, Spiritual Library and Drinking Water supply to the surrounding villages etc. The Sansthan Trust also runs Kanya Shala (Girls School) and English Medium School, Super Speciality Hospital, Blood Bank and Industrial Training Institute. Sansthan provides only Vegetarian food. It is remarkable to note that the consumption of non-vegetarian food is negligible in Shirdi.

Swami Sankaracharya Swarupananda of Dwarakapeeth also gave a controversial statement that as Baba was habited to eat non-vegetarian food; He doesn’t possess any Divine Qualities. In this context, I would like to clarify that the Satwik nature of a person lies in the food that he consumes to some extent but it does not change the nature of the person totally to be a Pious person. There are very kind and generous persons in those who eat non-vegetarian food and there also quite hazardous persons in the society who even do not touch an egg at-all. Better Swami ji read the society and the tendencies of the human beings on a broad spectrum. One has to gain name and fame through the good and honourable deeds that he or she do or does for the society and such a sort of honour and tribute are being bestowed on Shirdi Sai by Crores of people in the world for His Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent nature though He took Mahasamadhi in the year 1918. Almost a Century is being completed shortly(by 2018) of Sri Sai’s Samadhi but still, for the sake of Crores of faithful and staunch devotees — Sri Sai kept and is keeping all the Eleven Assurances in Practicability that He promised to the mankind before entering into Samadhi state.

Sri Sai is a Divine personality of morality, commitment, determination, dedication, punctuality, hardworking, sincere, serene, truthful, ever working, always powerful and words of any language cannot describe His Divine manifestation or incarnation completely. Even to this second, Shri Sai is extending His invisible and invincible helping hand to each and every person who trusted in Him satisfying their philosophical, spiritual and material thirsts in this world. Build a temple for a spiritual legend like Sri Sai Baba is in no-way a mistake. Building a temple of Baba is a token of love, affection and gratitude of His devotees or disciples towards Sri Sai. I would also like to say that Lakhs of Muslims respect Sri Sai Baba. Some of them also participate in grand festivals like Chandanotsav and Urs that will be celebrated every year in Shirdi under the able guidance of Haji Hameed Baba Pathan of Shirdi (grandson of Abdul Baba-the contemporary of Sri Sai Baba). Even to this day Sri Ramanavami is also celebrated with great pomp on the same day accounting the unity of Muslims and Hindus and announcing to the world that their Religion is same- ‘the Human Religion’.

Sri Sai temples are not only mere temples but many Sai Mandir Trusts run absolutely free of cost Educational institutions, free dispensaries, worthy Spiritual libraries, free Anna-Prasadalayas, meditation centres, Schools for the Dumb and Deaf etc..They also perform many charitable activities from time to time. It would be better if Swami Sankaracharya Swarupananda of Dwarakapeeth have a glance of all the above activities at least in the websites. Let me make it clear to one and all in this regard that no association or trust or organization be-it in India or Abroad has the tendency or the need to separate Muslims or Hindus or the people of any other religions to create racial discriminations among them. To the Graceful eyes of Sri Sai, Everyone is equal to Him including animals, birds and insects. Baba paid homage in the same manner to one all and treated everyone alike. He renovated many Hindu temples existing in Shirdi during His stay in Shirdi like the Maruthi temple, Ganapathy, Shiva and Shani temples. Baba never made any sort of comments or controversial statements on anyone during His lifetime. Those who consider that Shirdi Sai Baba is no-more in this world after 1918 are just like the kids who can see only the milk and not the sweet butter and fragrance hidden in the milk.

One must have a good heart and purity of mind to understand the lifestyle, teachings and work of Sri Sai. To the ordinary and narrow minded persons—He is just a stone or a statue and to the ones who surrender themselves to Baba, Sri Sai’s Blessings will be showering upon them ever and forever. As the concept goes on ever and forever– To the Optimistic one, Sri Sai seems to be Akhilananda Koti Brahmand Nayak Rajadhi Raja Yogi Raja., but to the pessimistic people and for the persons who try to throw mud buried in mud a hundred years ago. Whether one takes the characteristics of Sri Sai in the positive way or in the negative way—Sri Sai is not going to lose anything but it just displays the quality of the person who wants to earn false fame and name just like Nanavali who mistook Sai as a mere human being. It took years of time for Nanavali to realize what Sri Sai is and in the same manner it also takes another birth for Swami Sankaracharya Swarupananda to know exactly what Baba of Shirdi is! May Sri Sai shower His abundant Blessings on Swami Sankaracharya Swarupananda to come out of his false illusions, craving for false publicity and diverting or polluting Crores of Sai Devotees. Crores of people in India and Abroad worship Sri Sai Voluntarily as their wishes and wants being are being fulfilled by Baba. Greatness of Baba spread to every rook and corner of this world in a splendid manner.

One need not make a positive publicity of Sri Sai nor make a negative propaganda of Sri Sai because ‘Baba Is Baba’ Who blessed and is still blessing billions of Bhaktas during the past 160 years staying in Dwarkamai, Chavadi, Gurusthan, Samadhi Mandir and in Panchabhutas along with the hearts of in numerous devotees of Sri Sai who planted him in their plain and pure hearts and homes with enormous and never-ending love and devotion. Shirdi Sai loves all alike. Baba blesses even the narrow-minded saints. It is a very pitiable thing to note that Swami Sankaracharya Swarupananda is unnecessarily poking his nose in many things in his old age instead of quietly chanting the name of God sitting in his Ashram. Baba watches the two qualities namely Shraddha and Saburi that a devotee possesses in his heart. Sai never takes into account the mechanical devotion which is filled with selfishness or just an attendance-sake Thursday-Bhakti. True devotion must be like an ever-flowing stream endowed with Perfection. If one stand and spit forcibly facing his mouth towards the Sky—his filthy Spit falls on his own face and body (better Swami Swarupananda think over this again before passing-on any statements on anyone in this world) One has to possess a nature of a True Saint before he gives out a opinion on other persons.

A true Saint or Sadguru like Shree Sai Maharaj of Shirdi never claimed Himself before His name with the Title of ‘Bhagawan,’ ‘Avatar’ or ‘Swami’. Before I conclude I appeal to Swami Sankaracharya Swarupananda neither to pollute the minds of innumerable devotees of Shirdi Sai nor to raise conflicts among religions in a country like India wherein all the people are living with utmost Unity. Also, let him not create a suspicion among people that a foreign hand may be there in this as all the people living Abroad not only love Sai but also respect Baba of Shirdi as they are living with fine qualities of Brotherhood and Humanity. Let us all together strive to serve the people who are in need but let us not stress ourselves in throwing brickbats over others whether the other person is good or bad, human or God, rich or poor, mad or insane. Hope that every citizen and charitable organization of any religion would work incessantly and dedicatedly without any misunderstandings in moulding the lives of others better rendering the needy with sufficient bread and butter. I once again Appeal to Swami Sankaracharya Swarupananda of Dwarakapeeth, Dwaraka, Gujarat not to pollute the minds of Crores of Shirdi Sai Devotees and the purity of press and media.

K. Dasaradhi, Ex-Sub-Editor- ‘Gurusthan’, Machilipatnam 521 002
Andhra Pradesh Mobile: 09966639600 08522095300 E-mail:

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 489


  1. Shirdi Sai Baba`s philosophy of life was more spiritual than religion oriented. Hence persons belonging to Hindu, Muslim and Christian religions all could become His devotees. I have accepted Sai Baba as my Sadguru, and not as God which is compatible with my religion Hindu.

  2. Once a devotee is on Sai Baba's path, NOTHING can disembark him from that journey. So, not to worry about such passing clouds.


  4. Accusation #1 
    "Shirdi Sai Baba is not a god or Avataar said in Vedas so he should not be worshipped as god in Hindu temples as other deities"

    It is true that Shirdi Sai Baba was not a traditional, orthodox Purna Avataar of any single major Hindu God like Shiva or Vishnu. He was a 'Bahuroopa-Vishwamoorthi' – meaning one whose physical shell was able to manifest as many avaatars of God as needed by bhaktas – while holding the "Omkar" essence of all avataars always within Him by practice of stringent physical Tapas (penance) and inherent advanced Yogic powers – and not just the Gods of Hindu religion but exhibited qualities of prophets of almost all other religions subtly showing that all humanity is connected at a deeper level beyond religions.

    It can be imagined that as Sri Krishna showed Arjuna His 'Vishwarupam' for a short and brief period (all-in-one form) during the war; it can be imagined that Sri Sai showed the world similar separate darshans of all forms found within a Viswarupam, but distributed over the full-span of His physical life.

    Shirdi Sai was the answer to the crores of Indians from various castes and religions who cried to all Gods for an immediate and unifying saviour to guide and rescue them from various foreign rulers' oppressions that Bhaaratvarsh was facing from slavery for a thousand years – just as Sri Krishna manifested five thousand years ago.

    From today's reality standpoint, we have allowed in the guise of economic development and mere outward show – all Anti-Hindu habits and electronics goods from abroad cultures splattered everywhere inside Bhaaratvarsh today – fancy malls, indecent cinemas, degraded values, lack of cleanliness, social violence, undesirable industries polluting earth and poisoning indians – to name some evils? Protesting against small idols of Shirdi Sai Baba kept inside temples – while allowing the full kingdom of God which is all the physical world outside (Sarvam Vishnumayam Jagath /Sarvam Shivamayam) to get poisoned and more degraded daily – this is indeed short-sighted.

    It is ironic that Shirdi Sai gave real life and meaning to stone statues of Gods in temples when people had started seeing only bejewelled stone statues more and more instead of Gods' forms there, now his statues are weighed on being pushed aside to retain only stone statues there.

    Sai was and is our 'Antaryaami' 
    (inner ruler within our hearts) and is our Personal God – more than a stone statue for temple worship. To Him, really it makes not much difference whether He is installed in temples or not. He wants your true love where-ever you are – that's all – not temple statues or mechanical rituals. 

  5. Accusation #2.
    "Sai was a Muslim ascetic. Even they don't worship him that much now. Muslims damaged several Hindu temples. So it is fitting to remove Sai idols from Hindu temples".

    Response – 
    Sai's parentage was Hindu Brahmin by His own words. He had a short Muslim upbringing briefly. Did not Sri Krishna grow up as a child in the Cowherd Yadava clan despite being born a Kshatriya ruler class? Same with Sri Sai also as per God's Divine Will. Sri Sai returned to Muslim style of life for various reasons that He alone knows. Perhaps fate needed Sai to be associated with settled Muslim minority in Bhaaratvarsh during British rule to ensure that the country absorbed only the good virtues from Muslim religion and proper habits and not aggressive instincts that characterized them. So, Sai Baba was really laying the foundations of Hindu-Muslim unity that later helped Gandhiji in his freedom struggle.

    Sri Sai Baba was unique in that He was able to show all devotees the essence of God in all religions. But His outward Muslim way of life stereotyped Him todayas just another Muslim ascetic. He was indeed more than that. It is not fair to associate Him with wrongs done by Muslims or to take out punishment through Him for temple destructions caused by Islamic rulers before. Is there a separate moon for Hindus and another for Muslims? Do we not accept that the same moon we believe that Lord Shiva protected and wears on His head is worshipped by Muslims also? Can we remove the moon also from Hindu rituals because He is helping other religions and is used by Muslims also? Same with Sri Sai's worship in all religions.

    Sri Sai Baba was assisted well by the 'Navagraha' (nine planets) who all supported His Divine work. As we know, nothing happens without authority or sanctions given by the planets. Is it not right to broaden our traditional thinking to accept the idea that Sri Sai is the original, all-encompassing, unifying Guru-God for the globalized fusion age of today and realize that GODS OF ALL RELIGIONS perhaps joined together on the heavens and unanimously sent Sri Sai Baba down to earth to OUR motherland for His divine unifying work.

  6. Accusation #3.
    "Sai was a meat-eater"

    Response – 

    Sri Sai neither encouraged nor discouraged meat eating – being a follower of a Muslim way of life. His dillemmas would have been so difficult – to keep up basic Muslim ways and yet harm as less animal life as possible – just as Jesus and Buddha followed. Sri Sai walked the fine line joining all religions. His ideal desire for devotees would have been pure vegetarianism – but was able to manage living along with the culture that existed at that time.

    About seventy percent of Indians have become meat-eaters today by government studies – despite having plenty of bountiful plants and food-grain harvests for survival. This trend is indeed alarming and tragic in our motherland which used to worship and protect all animals. 

    This is what the Swamijis of Hindu religion need to study and correct our youth today. Also, even if we remove Sai's statues (for being a meat-eater), can we also exclude increased numbers of meat-eater Hindu devotees from Hindu temples today?

    The core reason for the current debate is because of perceptions of commercialization of Shirdi Sai worship at Shirdi and everywhere – which must be corrected to avoid further criticisms by orthodox Swamijis as above. 

    Mere lip-service temple worship of more Sri Sai statues everywhere will not be of any help in solving devotees' problems. Sai Trusts and temples administration everywhere must revive the original spiritual values of Sai and keep alive HIS mission of propagating simplified lives, charity, devotion and nature protection that Sai followed. 

    In conclusion, having Sri Shirdi Sai Baba statues in traditional Hindu temples (even without any worship rituals at all) will bestow on the country surely more protection in challenging periods of Kali Age. If traditional Hindus want the least reminder of Sai or Muslims within Hindu temples, a separate secluded corner (not in public sight) can be chosen to install Sri Shirdi Sai Baba – for the sincere Shirdi Sai devotees praying in these Hindu temples. Temples can at least accommodate the above request to reduce communal clashes and loss of Sanaathana Dharma's image in the global community watching all these.

  7. with out giving dikshya No human can be guru only dakshina murti shiva have this quality which justify in aagama and tantrik text and also raman maharishi said it . In case of krishna he was is avatar and also had guru in his life . in aagama text and aagama system which majority of hindu today follow it have recommended that one should worship and practice shadhana of kula devata or devi frist before accepting any one as guru . for case of yogic shadhan one should follow yogic text and recommendation by yogachrya . the self made mantra bhakti system of worship is not correct aagama text say that every miracle should proved by logic and experience by one self not reading book and assuming and guessing . for sai bhakta who worship sai for miracle and for money your sai god allah called shiva vishnu durga is shatan and jinn go and read quran hadith and sira of muhammad .
    by your logic sai is more powerfull than allah .allah said in quran that allah forgive every thing except idol worship which hindu do. i am happy that your god of guru and god sai is allah and he accepted it. now ex muslim and wahhabi and exposing real allah and his path and teaching . you have fooled many hindu by using hindu god ram om shiva but your fraud and blind faith of deception will exposed . great enemy of your god sai is internet like ex muslim said biggest threat to allah is internet and allah will collapsed in 21 cent like communism collapsed in 20 cent . your sai and allah cant face fact written and said by themself and their bhakt .

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