“I Am Shivering With Cold” Says Shirdi Sai Baba


In the year 1980, Mr. Bagave was the chief of Samadhi Mandir. He was very strict and disciplined officer. Once he was admitted to hospital for operation and so he handed over his duties to someone else in his absence. He got operated successfully and the very next day, Lord Sai Baba came to the hospital room and said, “I am shivering with cold”. Mr. Bagave thought it’s a dream and could not understand what Lord Baba meant. This happened again repeatedly still Mr. Bagave was in fix. Lastly Lord Baba literally shook him and said that He was shivering with cold. Bagave Saheb then realized that something is wrong in Samadhi Mandir. With the saline on, he called up the ward boy and requested him to take him to Samadhi Mandir.

It was winter season and the climate was cold. In mornings temperature dropped even more.As he came to Samadhi Mandir, other Mandir staff members were stunned with fear. What was that fear? Any Guess? There is a well behind Lord Baba’s Murti at the corner and water from the same well is used for Lord Baba’s Mangal Snan (Bath). That time there was problem with geyser and as it was not working and Mr. Bagave being not present, Mandir staff started Lord Baba’s Bath with cold water. That’s why He came and hinted this to Mr.Bagave that, “I am getting cold and shivering”.

Mr. Bagave was very angry and he stopped Lord Baba’s Bath and covered Him with warm cloth. He told staff to get stove from Prasadalay to warm water. After that stove was brought and water was heated on it. Then Lord Baba’s Snan started. That was the only day when Lord Baba’s Snan was delayed by one hour. After that Mr. Bagave Saheb made a rule, in spite of geyser, there has to be a working stove at the Samadhi Mandir. It was Mr. Bagave’s dedication to work and complete surrender to Lord Baba that He gave him Darshan at the hospital and informed him about some wrong happening.

You might live to watch video of Lord Sai Baba’s Mangal Snan.

© Shirdi Sai Baba Life Teachings and Stories

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 489


  1. Thank you so much baba for showing me truth…..i was unnecessarly worried there was nothing to get worried about.Om Sai jai sai jai jai sai..baba plz wid me always.

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