GuruPoornima Celebrations – Day 5

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We have reached so far and learnt how Lord Sai Baba has been instrumental in all His doings and making all of us His Puppets acting according to His wishes. Believe me there’s some sort of inner joy when this is happening. While all these days we are talking our MahaParayan, our focus is on it’s reading, but i feel we should be more focused on its assimilation as well. My email signature says, “Read Shri Sai Satcharitra, Live Shri Sai Satcharitra” and with this MahaParayan and many more to come, we will surely be polished souls. I am using “souls” as they are the ultimate gainers. Our body, mind, family, friends will always ask for material achievements or happiness of material world, so praying and living upto teachings of Shri Sai Satcharitra will make our deeds pure and purify our mind with wondering thoughts of possession which in turn will make our soul feel at peace. He knows how to accomplish venture of MahaParayan but He also wants us to be purified and assimilate on it. So leaving all burden on Him for other hindrances we should concentrate on the part of purifying ourselves and start living sacred book.”

Tests And Leelas During The Making Of Mahaparayan

When God Is Going To Do Something Wonderful For You He always Starts With A Hardship And When God Is Going To Do Something Amazing For You, He always Starts With Impossibility!

This was one of the Baba’s picture message that I came across recently and I realised how true it is with respect to the making of Mahaparayan! When Mahaparayan was about to start with the formation of one group of 48 people with great difficulty and hardship it was a wonderful feeling. Now when It’s moving from local to global level it’s an amazing feeling to be a part if it! But this amazing feeling too was started with Impossibility!

I would always be thankful to Divya Gupta who once called me and said as she had heard from someone and she too would like to be a part of reading a chapter from Sai Satcharitra every Thursday and was even ready to build a team with as many people as possible. I was very happy to hear so and because of her third group ‘Dwarkamaayi’ was formed and that was the day when I had prayed Baba that I wish I can form 108 such groups for You! As already shared in yesterday’s post the whole structure on global level was in front and I was vacillating out of happiness.

When I shared this thought of MAHAPARAYAN on global level with my husband Rahul, he strongly objected just out of concern and love for me. He said, “Pooja you please leave either the Blog Work or your work or Parayan. You can’t do everything along with other responsibilities. You take care of your health first. If you love me then one thing for sure, you will have to leave.” I replied I don’t want to leave anything. I may leave my work but not the Blog Work and Parayan. I had no intent to leave even my work but was just telling him. Just then my son Saiesh who was just 3.2 years old and who was busy playing in his own world that time said in a very stern voice and almost shouted twice at Rahul, “Meri mumma kuch bhi nahi Chodegi” (My mom will not leave anything) and we felt that He was about to beat him too. We were shocked and both with wonder looked at each other. There was silence in the room for almost half a minute. Although many a times my son out of naughtiness screams on top of his voice but believe me there was something different this time. To break the silence, I said Rahul, “See Baba is giving you His message through Saiesh!” To my surprise Rahul said that he too had felt the same that Sai Baba was scolding him through Saiesh.

Then later as shared previously I couldn’t write a single syllable even after Baba giving the Neem Leaf and so sometimes I would doubt about its happening. In June when I was sick for almost 12 days, I even gave up the thought thinking that it was now impossible. Baba taught me faith, patience and that His timing is always perfect. When Baba gave the orders for Mahaparayan on 25th June, I decided to first write and then call Hetalji this time as I was unable to write past so many months. Monday also passed but I couldn’t write. Then when I was talking with Baba, Kaise Hoga sab? ( Baba How all will happen?) Immediately I came across a Baba’s picture with, ‘If you love me, you will obey what I command’. I had already shared with all the dear ones whom I happened to meet that day. My parents said how it was possible and asked to take care of myself? I then reminded them of Hemadpant’s chapter from Sai Satcharitra (Chapter 2) where he talks himself to be just an instrument of Baba. My parents were happy and said, “Yes, if Baba has said then it will happen.” Next day itself I came across the picture with pink background, “God is the Doer; You Are But The Instrument!”

Not only this the chapter that I was supposed to read on Thursday for one of the 4 Mahaparayan groups was chapter 2 itself, where I wondered how Baba manages so many thousands and thousands of His devotees with their millions of concerns! And now when the Mahaparayan on global level has started laying its roots, today Thursday 6th July I was supposed to read chapter 3 where the beginning of the chapter is, “I fully agree with you regarding the writing of the Sai Satcharitra. You do your duty, don’t be afraid in the least, steady your mind and have faith in My words!” Here in this sentence I felt as if Baba saying the word ‘writing’ be replaced by the word ‘reading’. I again had got this message second time this week, but had now got through Satcharitra that too during reading for a Mahaparayan Group on Thursday!

Last Thursday 29th June I decided today anyhow I have to start writing my dream post and share with Hetalji. I woke up early with a mind to start writing the dream post but Baba somehow showed me dairy and pen and hinted to first write Om Sairam 108 times and then proceed. I was shocked that I was writing it, though I did not have time nor wanted to write out of laziness. After it was done, then desperately I wanted to begin with the writing of dream post now atleast. But Baba first made the p-forms with instructions and all. I was not understanding what was going on? What I had planned and what was done? Then I understood that Baba is very smart. First He designed the structure etc of p-forms so that Hetalji can then work on it as it would take time at next level. Then although I had some other priority, He made me talk with Hetalji and share everything and plan about the execution that too early morning. So the day Thursday where I had decided to write the dream post, He got made P-Forms designs and it ended without writing a word. Next day I was worried for the same and I came across “Is there anything that cannot be accomplished with God on your side?” Not only this I have saved 500 plus pictures of Baba in my laptop which I rarely open. This time through laptop I came across ‘Just Trust me’ and on top of this my cousin Hrithik had put on Sai Darbaar (whats app group) the same picture with same message! These were enough confirmations but still Baba continued His ways.

After the Neem leaf experience, Hetalji had said we would publish the post for Mahaparayan on Baba’s day Thursday. But then I was unable to write. Then now while planning she said we would start revealing from Monday 3rd July, as Guru Pournima was on Sunday 9th July. I also questioned her as she had once said that any big work she usually starts on Thursday. Thinking we have no option we started on Monday but lo as she said Sai-Incidence, What is Mahaparayan was revealed on Thursday! Past few months, He had also made me work for blog in advance; in much advance! Now I understand! His planning is perfect, just perfect!

Although, His timing is perfect, He also tests us. The test started with Hetalji. When there was so much of work to be done and felt nothing was moving ahead, on Saturday night 7th July, Hetalji’s computer’s monitor started blinking. She applied Udi etc but It gave off and she said this time Baba is really testing hard. The next day was also a Sunday so difficult to have any technician and Monday our first post was to be revealed. Then somehow she managed to get the monitor from her mom’s house.

Later Kritiji’s net was down. It was not working. In between she was also stuck up with some health issues of her nephew and her mom was also not in town. So along with packed schedule at office had additional responsibilities now. But still she came up with beautiful GIF’s, images and logo (this beautiful piece of creativity will be revealed on GuruPoornima Day).

Then came my turn. Day by day the responsibilities were increasing not only in office but also with respect to my son in terms of his homework etc. Although I was enjoying it, the challenge was to write 6 posts in a week’s time where I was unable to write even one post past 6 months. Not only this on 2nd July Monday, my laptop too gave up. It did not respond. I and my husband too tried all possible means and then even Applied Udi, Udi mantra etc but all in vain. Everyday from 29th June Thursday, inspite of my will, Baba made me write Om Sairam 108 times. But that day I had not written to save time. As I had a holiday, I believed that as I was all the time going to be thinking about Sai and posts for Him and also do chanting for certain number of times, so there was no need to write it. Then I said, “I will write it and if really there is power in writing apart from chanting then after writing Baba You have to make the laptop alright, as I have to do Your work only. Without it Baba I cannot do anything. What joy You get Baba in troubling us? You try to test us but do You realise that it ultimately becomes Your test only? As before two times when the training for blog editing was to be done for me by Soniaji and then later by Hetalji at next level, laptop had done same drama, rather would say Baba did! But then with Udi and much more to it, it became Baba’s test and He had to pass. So anything big I undertook Baba tested me and my laptop!

So after writing Om Sairam 108 times, by keeping the book on laptop itself, I said Baba let this laptop also understand the power of writing it. If it starts I would write everyday along with my regular chants. And Lo the laptop started and it had to start as Baba’s work was to be completed and He wanted to me to write it everyday! I spoke with Hetalji about it and said Why Baba enjoys in testing us? To this She said she believes that if there are some 10 stones coming to us, there are various forces that want us to stop our work but Baba comes in between, bears with 9 of them and lets only one of them come upon us. What a beautiful revelation she gave!

Then Wednesday morning when alarm rang I did not want to get up but sleep. Though sleepy, I heard a voice inside, “Get Up Pooja Lot Of Work To Be Done”. Felt strange but felt its me only saying myself and not Baba. But Baba did not let me sleep. I was telling myself if Baba then tell which colour You are wearing in live darshan now. I felt He said blue. But greedy was I for sleeping, I said coincidentally it can turn out to be blue Pooja, it cannot be always Baba. So tell me one more colour in it. Then after few seconds, I felt orange. Now I was Ok.. lets see. If so I will, else I will sleep little more. Then when I woke up what I saw was that net itself was not working. Only sometimes text messages were being received or sent but not pictures etc. I was again tensed for net and now my sleep had vanished. Then I happened to see Swami Samarth’s photo and prayed that the man wearing only the underwear Who sat on table were You (in my dream post) and You Who is Baba only said that You would take care of everything. So now I will go, put on the modem again but this time the net should be perfectly fine with images etc and You should encourage and not discourage me for Mahaparayan. I did so and now it was fast and perfect! Also another surprise was Baba did wear blue only and the Stoll was also blue. But as I wanted to know one more colour and Baba had suggested orange. Baba showed orange colour also on His head as head gear as usual. He is so smart!

Along with office and other responsibilities the next challenge was my mom’s health issues. I had taken a leave on 5th July and come to mom’s place for staying. I was also to start writing for next post. At the same time my mom said she felt that there was some fracture on her leg like before due to osteoporosis as it was paining from almost 30 days. She also said her ear was paining a lot past 10 days and were blocked as if in aeroplane or ghat. She was also not able to hear. Before I could say about Udi, she said she had already applied. Then I prayed Baba for her and said that Baba will have to cure her leg, as well as ear as I would not have time to write the post if taken to the doctor. If He The Biggest doctor was there, why I need to go to anyone else? Then I applied Udi on her leg, ear and inside the ear as well chanting Udi mantra. I gave her Udi water to drink and said to do so for 9 days. Then after sometime she said her leg was cured and ear was almost 50% relieved. I was happy and said by Thursday it would be alright and so did it happen! There are many more that happened in these two days but I can’t write all like my dad’s hand also got almost healed with Udi and Its water. Then I was supposed to go to the bank urgently for cheque book but I did not go due to my priority for post; as like past few months I again had got a message on mobile that request for my cheque book was declined and at the other end at home two were sent instead of one, that too on Thursday! It was a miracle as past few months they kept declining my request.

In addition to technical issues, writing of posts, office and other responsibilities, there was one more challenge that Baba had given. Fifth group Nandadeep which is supposed to be executed from Guru Pournima and lot of working on it was to be done. On one end Baba was preparing me to face the various challenges and on other end He gave me constant support from existing co-ordinators like Megha, Neha Goyal, Neha Gupta and Monicaji. He directed me to carry out all major tasks for training new co-ordinators through them which was another hint for how to proceed for execution at global level as we would be having very less time to set up everything. Meghaji constantly said to focus on further goals and she would take care of entire Nandadeep group. Also as I was not done with this write up and Thursday’s existing 4 groups of Mahaparayan had to be monitored. So Monicaji came forward and successfully monitored all 200 people very well. I was so relaxed and realised Baba was practically showing me everything.

Not only this today morning (Thursday) I had a dream where I saw a lady with long hair, beautiful blue robe and she was supposed to be Hetalji in dream (But she was not Hetalji by face and hair too). Then there were two more people one male and other female. She said me, “Look he is Shekharji, at night only I was telling you about him and he came”. Then Shekharji bowed to the lady who was supposed to be Hetalji in dream. Looking at him I wondered, Oh! Hetalji’s feet need to be touched? Then I too touched her feet, one at a time. While I was doing so, she said, “Good efforts you are taking”. Then I got up and hugged her for quite long time and was feeling very, very happy. She then said, “You touched my feet so well!” Although it was a dream I can still feel that hug. Now while penning down it clicked that that the colour of the gown of the supposed to be Hetalji in dream was exactly of the same blue shade that Baba wore on Wednesday morning when I wanted to sleep. So I strongly feel it was Baba in disguise of Hetalji. To add cherry on the cake Hetalji messaged me today Thursday morning that after long time she was in touch with Ranaji. Ranaji can cover Canada, Shekharji can cover States for Mahaparayan! I literally had goosebumps and wanted to tell her about the dream but due to time constraints thought that let her read and feel the bliss even more! So Baba is connecting the dots for His work across the globe! Baba came to me (not just in dream but also my spiritual progress in 2016) by your name, Hetalji. Thank you so much Hetalji.

I am extremely sorry for long posts but when it comes to Baba I cannot stop myself. Last but not the least today’s image for today’s post clearly proved that Surely Baba is only doing everything. As when I was asked by Kritiji about anything specific that I had in my mind so that she could accordingly make the creative. I then said that it should be on the lines that many obstacles would be there but Baba will get us through and as Hetalji had once said that if there are 10 stones coming to us, It’s Baba Who comes in between, taking 9 on Himself and only one reaches us. I had Goosebumps when she said same pinch as she too had just thought about the same concept. So all three of us with same concept (as Hetalji had already said about it last week), made us feel that It’s purely Sai-Incidence and surely Its Baba, Who Is doing everything!

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 489


  1. My dear Sai sister Pooja, Your posts are never long….it's an absolute delight to read all that you post…I seriously feel baba is writing everything in your disguise.Blessed are you and blessed are we to experience such greatness of our beloved Sai! Om Sai Ram

  2. Mam please I have to participate for mahaparayan,please add me omsairam.varsha kataria from raichur

  3. Hi Om Sai Ram I live in New Jersey I also want to be the part of Mahaprayan pls suggest what and how should I participate .
    Jai Sai Ram🙏💐

  4. JAISHRMAASAIBABAJI to all Dear Hetalji and poojaji thank you for this wonderful work….it's become my daily routine to read all the experience the experiences which you shared with all of us is blessing of our beloved MAASAI as you are talking about MAHAPARAYAN I also completed full MAASAI SACHCHARITRA in a day few times SAI SACHCHARITRA is my life I carry it everywhere with me I feel incomplete without it and I want to do it again from few months but I was unable to do as u told when MAASAI Baba wants us to do then only you can do as I am planning to do something special for my MAASAI I think nothing is better than this also I told my mother about the same bcoz she also reads MAASAI SACHCHARITRA daily she also wants to be a part of this MAHAPARAYAN I will consider my self very fortunate if me and my mother gets the chance to be a part of reading MAASAISACHCHRITA please let me know if I can be the part of this auspicious function of MAASAI I can participate in this my email is

  5. Om Sai Ram Pooja Ji… I was very moved from your previous marriage experiences posts and this Mahaparayan related posts. You are truly a blessed soul. I would love join for Mahaparayan or what's app group. Please add us.

  6. Hello pooja and hetal ji

    plz also include me in this mahaparayan as i love reading sai charitra. plz let me know what we have to do as it is little confusing how are we all going to do this? and how we are going to join group? thank you for doing all this. this is such a great work. thanks. om sai ram

  7. Baba you are great…fulfill all the desire of your devotees. Specially I pray for those who Want to marry with their love(soulmate). Give success to those wh are preparing for competitive exam.I am suffering,I want nobody will I pray to all the needed people.jai Sai nath

  8. Ma'am
    Link is not working.I want to be the part of mahaparayana.
    When will be the last date for registration?

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