Mission ShyamKarna – Idols Of Devotees Of Sai Baba Available

Disclaimer: Sai Yug Network is NOT dealing in any commerical activities. This post is to create awareness about a commerical project coming up in the name of Shirdi Sai Baba.

SaiYugNetwork.com” is always excited to spread information about the ventures taking place in the name of “Shirdi Sai Baba”. Our mission is to serve Baba in whatever way we can and so always any new idea or venture is welcomed with warm heart. We are pleased to be associated with Sai Brother Ritwik to bring a unique concept by of making and providing Idols of Devotees of Sai Baba, starting with Shri. Laxmi Bai Shinde on this “Diwali 2020”.

Sai Sarovar MahaParayan, Annadan Seva, Naam Jaap, Free Wallpaper for Download, E-Books, Books, Sai Baba Shirdi Stories, History | www.shirdisaibabastories.org

Hari Om Lord Shri Sai Ganeshaya Namha
Om Hreem Saraswatye Namha
Om MahaLakshmaye Namha
Rajaram Rajaram
Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah,

Sarve Santu Niramaya,
Sarve Bhadrani Pashyantu,
Maa Kashchid Dukh Bhaagbhaved!!
Radhey Radhey
Om Namha Shivaya
Om Shivaya Namha

Sai Sai

Invoking Baba’s aid and grace to carry out and deliver this responsibility in association with Sai Yug Network!!

Thanks a million to Hetal Di, all our Baba’s kids and to the ultimate Almighty Who showed us the way to be going about it.

Baba made me return to our Modern Sai Satcharita finally with this initiative with His grace and blessings from you all!! Have had been pulled by Baba to this online Shirdi in 2013!! From here only, He made learn about Lord Shri Sai Satcharita, Dwarkamai, Chavdi, Importance of Udi, Neem leaf and much more experiences!!

Have had been working on numerous initiatives besides a full time job so as to nurture Financial Independence for myself and thus share that too with the potential people at large as it was a plight to see high potential and even diligent people not getting their dues and often coming to me and asking for solutions and myself being helpless.

Now He showed the way indeed which culminated With Baba’s grace and all of yours blessings, had been awarded with Emerging Entrepreneur and Star Entrepreneur Award by a leading e-commerce company and been blessed with mentees from Google, Amazon Prime and the who’s who of the industry!!

Later on, Baba made me launch my own venture (that’s also a miracle saved for later 😊). While going through all this,had been looking for lot of answers from myself, and Baba through His Form of Shri Sai Satcharita answered all of them.

Have had completed 12 Saptah Parayans and 2 Chalisas in a row, though had vowed for 9 Saptah and 1 Chalisa only, Baba made complete 4 additionally, with His grace only and it was somewhere between my 11th-12th Saptaah Parayan that He appeared in the form of a thought and told me to develop His Mandali’s statues together,the intimate devotees having their portrait at Samadhisthaan on the left and right hand side of Baba’s Samadhi at Shirdi!!

That was the first message and the message in the message is to make Baba’s kids aware of His intimate devotees lives, preachings, doings and their connection and Experiences with Baba right from Bayaja Maa, Shama to Laxmi Bai Shinde, from Tatya to Bhagat Mhalsapati, from Nana Saheb Chandorkar to Kaka Saheb Dixit, from Bhagoji Shinde to Abdul, Tarkhad Family, Nanavali and more!!

Second was about the Hindu Mohammaden unity as amplified in Chapter 10 of Shri Sai Satcharita!!

And the third on the lines of Annadaan and service to Human and animals alike, am still trying to decipher, would share more as per His will!! Thanks to Hetal Di and Rohit Setia ji for introducing me to Baba’s Annadanam group and helping me motivate fellow Baba’s kids!!

During all these times, Baba has had been almost continuously appearing in my dreams and guiding me during these adventurous times, for once 21 days in a row and i feel so blessed to narrate those dreams in the following videos

And last one month is been full of His grace in the forms of His dreams, the biggest learnings are definitely faith and patience.

1. He tells to have faith and the needed will happen multiple times and every time, it does happen but don’t give Him a list 😊!!

2. Endure, even if someone hurts you, forgive them in your heart, Everytime in your heart, and it will make you feel light, remember Isha Upanishad story ?!😊 What happens is ordained by God!! Life will be great!!

Coming back to Baba’s Mandli, the Human me, kept thinking as to how I could get this done having not much of knowledge of statues/industry et al.

But then He kept affirming me that I can get it done all through HIM!! And ‘I’ forgot the ‘I’ part!! (You know an I for an I makes the world blind 😊😁). So it can be done and got in place indeed!!

So here,again,with Baba’s grace, announcing the launch of Mission Shyamakarna (as guided by Baba) wherein we are creating statues of Baba’s Mandli (name also given by Him) in group with Baba at the center and His devotees on the left and right hand sides respectively.

Being a management consultant,the feasibility analysis, the TAM, SAM etc. did occur to me but unless you can walk down the road with closed eyes, you haven’t proven your blind Faith to Him yet and Why fear when He is to take care, Why fear when I am here 😊 !?

Gives me Confidence to carry out anything being it managing a billion dollar conglomerate or a completely new arena, with His grace and all of your blessings, am all game to it!!

Would need all of yours blessings and grace in making it a success indeed!! You can mention if you are interested in getting a particular intimate devotee’s idol or all the Mandli,the semblance of the bust of the statues will be the same as that at Baba’s Samadhisthaan:

1. For the Mandli: Baba in marble 8-9 inches sitting at the center and devotees in marble dust(this is on purpose as they prefer to be the dust of His feet) of 4-5 inches sitting on the left and right hand sides respectively!!

2. Was wondering as to how to launch and then again while reading Lord Shri Sai Satcharita, Baba again appeared in the form of thought and shared to start with idol of Laxmi Bai Shinde and thus came this Title : “Bring Laxmi this Diwali)”!!

Interested devotees can bring Sai Laxmi Shinde ji home this Diwali.You can place order this Diwali for both Indian and International devotees/delivery!! Needless to say it will bless us with Faith,Patience and thus with Spiritual and Temporal uplift with abundance and prosperity!!

At this moment, this is not an NGO and it’s a pure commercial activity as the people involved in these activities are daily wage workers and are paid per day of their labour and are very much in need of work and with this little intervention, we earnestly try to bring smiles to their lives too especially during the ongoing Covid-19!! Also, with the proceeds, we would be developing the website, ecommerce portal/webapp/app, Brand stationery, merchandise and the overall Organizational and logistics set up and labour cost. This would involve a one time cost and benevolent devotees may feel free to contribute to it, we would be grateful indeed!!
Also, to add, a part of it will also be going towards Annadanam for Human and Animals alike!!

We can initiate with minimum 900-1000 orders in place of Entire Mandli( Shyamakarna) in full capacity!!
Please register using the following link:

Many Thanks again in advance!!

Good news is that All the orders will be dispatched from Shirdi to your respective locations!! The blessed and chosen ones will get the Udi packet and/or a copy of Shri Sai Satcharitra too free of cost along with their deliveries!! And we would try for the much blessed and the elusive Neem leaf too!! Had just confirmed it with Shirdi Sai Baba Sansthaan just now (12:06 pm) and what a blessing, could hear the Aarti in the background!! Baba has blessed all of us indeed!! Going forth, with Blessings of Baba’s intimate devotees and He Himself, all together one indeed!!

The confirmation link again for further information and placement:

Invoking Baba’s aid, Baba’s grace and blessings and all of yours sincere and selfless prayers to make Mission Shyamakarna in association with Sai Yug Network a Sai Success 🙌🕉️👍😊!!

Sai Sai

© Shirdi Sai Baba Life Teachings and Stories Member of SaiYugNetwork.com

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 489


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