Curb The Pandemic Situation By Seeking Forgiveness Collectively – Inspiration Of Sai Baba Through MahaParayan

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This post is shared with an intention to seek forgiveness collectively from the mother nature to fight against the covid situation.

We are living in Kaliyug which is infamous for sorts of sufferings and we are facing many such sufferings in day to day lives. Already the souls were tormented while the pandemic has hit us hard. Lot many spiritual souls of these times are laying stress on forgiving to curb the effect of this hard time. Why so? How can only forgiving help us?

Forgiveness takes a lot of emotional and mental effort. A person with less emotional IQ, also known as EQ will find it very difficult to forgive someone for even the smallest mistake. While a strong soul will be able to forgive because of it’s high EQ. If we make any mistake we expect others to forgive us instantly as we do not want to face their wrath. While when it comes to us, we have an excuse, it’s not easy for me to forgive. We all go through such petty or wider situations in our everyday life. Isn’t it?

Let’s imagine a situation absolutely opposite to the one above. If someone pushes accidentally and if we receive a sorry in return, we must be happily ready to forgive from the deep. Even though we accept the apology we at times keep pondering over it even for a few seconds, until we reach another thought.

When forgiveness is given with pure heart, it is sure to reach the person and there won’t be any such situation in future. On the other hand, if forgiveness is asked with a true feeling of guilt, it is sure to be accepted.

This can be taken forward for cutting off knots in any relation in this birth to avoid being carried forward to the next one. Take for an instance, you do not have good terms with any person in the family. How much ever you both try, things won’t work (ample reasons existing). Seeking and giving forgiveness can help to cut down the extreme results to be carried forward in the next birth. Though the relation might not improve, this technique makes sure it’s not carried forward. It will balance the effects for once and all. Hope we can follow this technique with pure heart to make good the strained relationships of this birth. Forgiveness, thus, is a help that we are doing for ourselves. We are sowing the seeds whose fruits we are going to reap in the next birth. Taking forward this concept of forgiveness, how seeking forgiveness can be helpful to us in the present difficult time. A volunteer of MahaParayan has been inspired by Baba to move forward and forming the concept of “Collective Forgiveness” to spread across many tormented souls. Let’s see how she proceeded and why we are reading this post.

Shirdi Sai Mahaparayan Devotee Dr. Silky From India Says: Jai Sairam! Dear Devotees, we are witnessing a challenging and turbulent time not only individually but also as a collective consciousness of the human race. This blog post is a dedicated gist of how Baba inspired the idea of asking for Collective Forgiveness through Mahaparayan. I would like to mention here that not all opinions expressed in this blog post are mine, some of them are inspired and learned from Jaya Wahi Di’s inspirational videos and Ruzbehji’s post, which provide us the much needed motivation, soul strength and resilience to tide through this tough time.

The virtue of asking for forgiveness as well as the very act of forgiving, have in itself a concealed power of healing. This holds true, much more so in this Kaliyuga, where we are engulfed constantly by our own inner enemies that cause us to suffer more than any external influence. As we make the effort to ask for forgiveness and also learn to forgive, we gradually let go of the things that are holding us back, we are no longer scared and intimidated of our worst fears. Infact asking for forgiveness is the first step we take to acknowledge that we have erred and the act of forgiving is the first step of releasing ourselves from self imposed bondages.

As I read Poojaji’s Raam-Navami post, wherein she mentioned about the vibrations every animate and inanimate object inherently carries and how it is important for us to not constantly indulge in news and statistics about the ongoing crisis, I was reminded of a similar guidance given by one of Jaya Wahi di’s videos. As individuals all of us carry our own karmic accounts and lessons to be learnt individually so that we evolve but along with that we also carry the collective karma as humanity that has existed on this planet. There certainly is a spiritual significance as to why we are here witnessing this pandemic at this point of time. A probable answer to this question is that at our soul levels we have to work out the karma of what humanity has done to our mother earth over centuries of its existence on this beautiful planet. Though endowed with the unique ability to acquire knowledge, the humans, which were supposed to be the crest jewel of the Almighty’s creation has largely acted as the dross of the creation, deeming itself superior to all other species and nature due its own ego-centricity. For centuries we have taken for granted the nourishment and nurturing our planet has given us for our sustenance, instead we have caused her harm in innumerable ways. This fact has been reiterated over the last one year.

But there also is another viewpoint of looking at this crisis. All messengers of God and religions have constantly taught us the importance of universal love, kindness and compassion for all, but we have failed to learn it beyond our selfish needs and desires. Jaya Di Says, “If love and compassion could not bind us together as a species, God has chosen the contrary emotions of pain and fear that has certainly gripped all of us together! So how can we overcome it?” The answer is: it has to be together! All have said time and and again that we are facing this calamity as nature’s wrath or whatever probable origin theories we want to believe in. As Baba’s children Its now time for us to collectively face the fear with our faith. As I was pondering over this concept of collective human consciousness, Baba inspired the thought of asking for a “Collective Forgiveness” through the platform of Mahaparayan. Just as I was thinking this, I received a forward from a Sai friend, the next day, that is attached below:

Sai Baba Shirdi Stories, Sai Sarovar, How to Read Sai Satcharitra, How to Pray Sai Baba for success, Sai Baba Mantra for Success, Love, Marriage, Job, MahaParayan, Annadan Seva, Naam Jaap, History, Spiritual Discourses, Sai Baba Nav Guruwar Vrat, Sai Baba Divya Pooja, Sai Baba 108 Names, 1008 Names of Sai Baba, Sai Kasht Nivaran Mantra, Om Sai Rakshak Sharnam Deva Mantra |

This reaffirmed my belief and I shared it with Poojaji, who then asked me to come up with this post.

As I was editing the first draft of the post, after discussion with Poojaji, I came across the following quote on my FB feed by Ruzbeh N Bharucha ji

Sai Baba Shirdi Stories, Sai Sarovar, How to Read Sai Satcharitra, How to Pray Sai Baba for success, Sai Baba Mantra for Success, Love, Marriage, Job, MahaParayan, Annadan Seva, Naam Jaap, History, Spiritual Discourses, Sai Baba Nav Guruwar Vrat, Sai Baba Divya Pooja, Sai Baba 108 Names, 1008 Names of Sai Baba, Sai Kasht Nivaran Mantra, Om Sai Rakshak Sharnam Deva Mantra |

This further strengthened our belief that we were being guided in this particular direction by Baba.

Asking For Collective Forgiveness As Participants Of Global MahaParayan

  • The Global Mahaparayan Team requests every Mahaparayan devotee to participate in this small act of asking for collective forgiveness for all the wrong we have done towards mother earth and the animal kingdom, to generate a concerted healing vibe and spread positivity. On Baba’s inspiration, the GMP team requests every Mahaparayan devotee that as we read our allotted two chapters this coming Thursday;

    • Let us take a minute out and ask for collective forgiveness from Mother Earth for all the wrong that we have done to her as the human race.
    • Lets us also take a minute to ask for forgiveness for the harm we may have caused intentionally or unintentionally to anyone/any creature in our lifetime.
    • This Thursday, as we pray for the health, well being and protection of our loved ones, lets us take a minute to also pray for anyone suffering from this crisis, anywhere in the world, in any way healthwise, financially or emotionally. A small heartfelt selfless prayer will surely go a long way.
    • Along with this we can say the small prayer mentioned below:
      As we take our nutritional supplements to build up our immunity, it is equally important to take our emotional immune boosters in the form of chanting, meditation and reading the Satcharitra through this tough time. It is also equally important to keep ourselves away from low vibrational emotions of fear, anger, resentment, etc. so that we are in a better position to handle the concurrent mental pandemic which could have lasting effect for years. During the course of the past year Baba through various instances guided me to pray to the energies of Lord Shiva, Lord Hanuman and Lord Shanidev.
    • If each Mahaparayan devotee can consider himself/herself as a small diya that Baba Himself has lit, one of His “Panatis” which the Satcharita states, He loved so much, we shall realize not only our sole purpose but also our soul purpose. Our omniscient Baba, knowing that we shall all be going through this tough time together, inspired the thought of the Global Mahaparayan, where Baba’s children are woven together in the fabric of His love and faith, so that we may pray together and ask for forgiveness together in the present circumstance. If we can realize this conscious responsibility of being a Mahaparayan devotee in the present scenario, our asking for collective forgiveness shall surely generate a vibe of collective healing cause as we ask for forgiveness and also forgive, we heal at a vibrational and subtle level. If we can do this one step together, we shall surely be taking a small baby step towards making our Lord and Master happy.

    To sum up, we would just like to state we publish this post upon Your Inspiration and Guidance dear Baba with prayers for all and thus for a healthier world too. May our sins be forgiven and may we all come out of this crisis as brighter, refurbished, and more kind and compassionate versions of ourselves.
    Dedicated to the lotus feet of our Lord and Master Baba Sai!

    Love and Regards,
    On Behalf of the Global Mahaparayan Team
    Devotee Mp-217N1
    Volunteer, Global Mahaparayan Tele Confirmation Department

    Image Credits:

    First Image: Edited by Creative team of

    Second Image: Google Images

    Thirdi Image: Google Images/Quote Copyrights to Ruzbeh Bharucha

    Suggested Reading:

    Sai Baba Guides To Ram Raksha Stotra During Pandemic

    Sai Mansik Deep Seva – Offering Lamps To Baba Through Visualization During Pandemic

    Aum Sai Rakshak Sharanam Deva – Powerful Sai Baba Mantra

    © Shirdi Sai Baba Life Teachings and Stories Member of

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 489

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