Details: SaiBaba ManuScript – The Diary of Haji Abdul Baba

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With Baba’s blessings, we are trying to articulate what we can grasp from reading English translation of Haji Abdul Baba’s diary. First, we acknowledge the content is highly spiritual and grasping true meanings are beyond our capacity. As its work of Baba, so let Baba do all the work and we merely play the role of scribe here.

We had already listed the references from where we had gathered the preliminary information about Abdul Baba. Digging further, Baba redirected us to a book “Unravelling The Enigma – Shirdi Sai Baba In The Light Of Sufism” for further guidance from Him. Abdul Baba, though a very devoted devotee of Baba remained unsung and not much has been known or read about him. In fact when the idea was shared with me to share some information about him on the blog, my reply was that i was never inclined to read or know much about him. Well, Baba has perfect plans and correct timings, i am not exaggerating, a lot of quotes on our blog emphasize the same, but i am experiencing it practically. The book has been a part of my shelf since 2008, but I was never inclined to read it. I have been consciously devoted to Baba since 2006, i.e. 15 years from now and the journey has been a beautiful one. However in those early days of devotion, whenever i used to read or be a part of spiritual discourses, i understood very less technically and i just used to follow whatever i listened. As a seeker i was trying to follow whatever came my way, in short, i just learnt and assimilated what i came across. The time came to open the book when Baba guided through Rohit ji and produced commentary of the highly spiritual literature in layman’s language for the blog readers. I realised, I have grown, evolved and ripe. With the series of the posts that are going to follow, hope you all will also get a similar feeling. Even if one devotee comes and claims to us, we will feel our hard efforts are paid off and Baba has blessed us to take this difficult task. We only crave for His love, blessings and grace just as He only craves for our love.

Challenges Faced To Translate And Compile SaiBaba Manuscript

The authors Marianne Warren and V.B.Kher had the privilege to obtain the photocopy of Abdul Baba’s notebook which curiously enough were notes and jottings of the words of Sai Baba that he received directly from Him and was originally written in Urdu. The notebook is rare, unorganized but contains highly spiritual treasure. There are unfinished thoughts, incomplete lists, non readable parts, gaps, which were not an easy task for the authors to get it scripted in English. Such a kind of note proves that there was intent of getting it published. Abdul Baba, though had no such intention, the authors toiled a lot to reach the peak. Adding to their challenges somewhere the notes were found in the Modi script which is a very old short-hand version of Marathi and a script that is not read today. Out of total 137 pages, about 28 were in Modi script that were incomprehensible and difficult to decipher by any in these times. The translation has been literal i.e. word to word, as translating from Urdu and filling the gaps would leave the thoughts of the translator and this has been absolutely avoided. Whatever they could translate literally, they have presented, others pages have been omitted to translate. No effort was taken to fill the gaps or ununderstandable instances by the translators to produce a fulfilled translation. Whatever was received by Abdul Baba, has been conveyed to us by the original authors. The time played a role on the quality of paper and when they wanted to get the photocopies of the book, they had first to laminate it and then go through the process. The ink also had met its fate at various places. Still even after such hardships, the authors succeeded in bringing the book to us.

Commentary To SaiBaba Manuscript

Now a question may arise, if SaiBaba Manuscript is already available as a part of another book which is easily available for seekers and readers, why are we reproducing the same work. In a way yes we are reproducing, but at the same time we are producing commentary of the notebook in a simple language for the ease of understanding spirituality and its roadmap. The manuscript contains direct words of Sai Baba and we can’t thank Abdul Baba enough for noting them for us. Since there are dots and plots of Sufism in the notes, it requires a sort of knowledge on the teachings of the sect to understand the manuscript. We have tried to jot down such technical aspects and bring out the simplest form of the treasure. An effort to present deep insights is taken to the limitation of our intellect and understanding. We invoke Baba’s aid to present the commentary.

First, let’s get familiar with some basic Sufi terms which are used in the manuscript.

In Sufism, the Spiritual Master is called Murshid and the disciple who is learning to walk on the path of spirituality is called Murid.
Qalandar is a title given to a saint who is at a very high level of spirituality.
, among the saints, are those persons who may enjoy freedom from the ties and bounds of time and space. All living things are given in their charge and command, every part of the universe may be at their disposal but these holy people are far above temptation, greed or lust. When people request them they feel duty-bound to listen and rectify the cause of miseries of people because they have been appointed by God for this very purpose. Qawwali is style of Muslim devotional music associated particularly with Sufis.

First few pages in the manuscript are for invoking blessings of Allah.

Bismilla al-Rahman al-Rahim – In the name of Allah, the most beneficent and merciful

First, perform my work repeating the name of Allah, thereafter, like riding a horse, I will take you there.

(Arabic prayer)

You are the listener to our prayers.

You are the deity of Worlds.

We worship you and seek Your help.

With Your blessings, O greatest of Mercifuls.

Invoking Blessings and Grace of Baba

Many pages contain reference and salutations to Sai Baba.

“Sai Jai Sai” (page 136)

“Sai Baba, Come and Uplift Us” (page 81)

“Fall at the Feet of Sai Baba” (page 24)

“Sai rakho Sai rakho” – “O protect us O Sai Please accept our salutations to you” (page 8)

“Krupakaro Maharaj” – ‘Have compassion on us Sai, we are your slaves’

There is also a beautiful Qawali mentioned in honor of Sai Baba

Who can sing the praises of our Sai Baba?

Every man is a slave of Sai baba.

Spirits as well as men are captivated by Sai Baba.

God is our Beloved and takes the name of Sai Baba.

In the two worlds the name of Sai Baba resounds.

Sai Baba embodies the Vedas, as also Allah.

We give Sai Baba all honours respectfully saluting and bowing before him.

Sai Baba operates on two planes, in Shirdi and all over the world.

Sai Baba is Supreme in both the present world and the next.

The whole universe is vibrant with Sai Baba.

If one says ‘I do not get a son’, Sai Baba can grant him a child.

That is the greatness of Sai Baba.

Even if you are not destined to get a fruit (child)

Whatever Sai Baba says will happen.

It is difficult to understand his deep mysteries.

But that is his own idiosyncrasy.

His speech is like that of Maulana Gausul Ajaya Dastgir.

He to whom he gives the chilim (smoking pipe), they can command like him (can perform miracles by Baba’s grace).

No one understands his outer aspects

So how can they understand his inner hidden qualities?

Mysterious are the ways of nature.

What capacity has Amir Saheb to talk about the qualities of our Sai Baba?

The darbar (audience) of Sai Baba is that of qalandar.

Abdul is a slave of his and he is guided by him as his murshid.

From the next post the diary will be published in parts with blessings and will of Sai Baba.

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 489


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