Sr. No. | Sanskrit | English (Click on the link for Images) | Meaning | Interpretation |
1 | ॐ श्री साई नाथाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Nathay Namah | Lord Sai | Sainath is peace incarnate. Recitation of His name is a mantra that by itself is as purifying as a dip in Holy Ganges |
2 | ॐ श्री साई लक्ष्मीनारायनाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Laxmi Narayanay Namah | Goddess Lakshmi’s Consort | Sai Baba, The Absolute Truth, and Reality is the incarnation of Lord Narayan, Lakshmi’s consort, who has come to free man of his ego and realize himself. |
3 | ॐ श्री साई कृष्णरामशिव मारुत्यादिरुपाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Krishna-Rama-Shiva Marutyadi-Rupay Namah | Manifestation of Krishna-Rama-Shiva-Maruti | Lord Sainath, the universal Master, is Absolute Truth. He is Lord Krishna, Lord Rama, Lord Shiva, the One God with numerous names who take various forms and shapes. |
4 | ॐ श्री साई शेषशायिने नमः | Om Shri Sai Shesha-Shayine Namah | Manifestation of Vishnu On Shesh Naga | Sai is Lord Vishnu, resting on the thousand-headed serpent. He is the Holiest of the Holy and the Light of lights. |
5 | ॐ श्री साई गोदावरीतट शीलधीवासिने नमः | Om Shri Sai Godavaritat Shildhi-Vasine Namah | Making Abode In Shirdi On Godavari Banks | Having made the banks of Godavari in Shirdi His Dwelling place, Sai Baba sheds His light and grace from there and attracts His devotees with love and purity. |
6 | ॐ श्री साई भक्तहृदालयाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Bhakta-Hridalayay Namah | Dweller In Devotee’s Heart | Dwelling in every heart, Sai Baba wants each one to merge into Him by shedding off one’s ego. |
7 | ॐ श्री साईं सर्वहन्नीललाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Sarva-Hainnilalay Namah | Dweller In all Beings | Sai Baba, the God who descended on earth to redeem mankind of all evils, dwells in the hearts of all beings and guides their thoughts and actions which are merely expressions of the Divine and His energy. |
8 | ॐ श्री साई भूतवासाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Bhut-Vasay Namah | Dweller In all Living Creatures | Sai Baba dwells in the heart of all living creatures and kindles the flame of love and devotion in those who surrender to Him. |
9 | ॐ श्री साई भूतभविष्यदभाववार्जिताय नमः | Om Shri Sai Bhut-Bhavishyad-Bhav-Varjitay Namah | Dispeller of Tormenting Thoughts | Dispeller of Tormenting Thoughts |
10 | ॐ श्री साई कालातीताय नमः | Om Shri Sai Kalati-Tay Namah | Beyond Time Limitations | As the life-breath of every soul, Sai Baba is beyond the limitations of time. He has no comparison and is Infinite |
11 | ॐ श्री साई कालाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Kalaay Namah | Time Incarnate | Sai Baba is beyond time, beyond human comprehension, and His ways are beyond the reach of the human mind and intellect. His divine time is beyond measure and is limitless. |
12 | ॐ श्री साई कालकालाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Kala-Kalay Namah | Lord of Eternity | Sai Baba is Absolute Existence, Knowledge, and Bliss. He is ever-present in all beings. He is all-pervading, having no beginning or end. He is Lord of Eternity. |
13 | ॐ श्री साई कालदर्पदमनाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Kaladarpadamanay Namah | Destroyer of the Pride of Death | As Master of the universe, Sai destroys the evil spirit in man, so that he can transcend worldly pleasures and overcome the pride of death. |
14 | ॐ श्री साई मृत्युंजय नमः | Om Shri Sai Mrityun-Jaya Namah | Conqueror of Death | Sai is beyond time and space, life and death. All elements of nature are subservient to His will. |
15 | ॐ श्री साई अमर्त्याय नमः | Om Shri Sai Amartya Namah | Immortal | Sai Baba is Omniscient and Omnipresent, without attributes or forms. He has no beginning or end and is immortal |
16 | ॐ श्री साई मत्यभयप्रदाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Matya-Bhay-Praday Namah | Granter of Freedom From Fear of Death. | By making Sai Baba the sole object of one’s thoughts and actions, one can be freed from the fear of death. |
17 | ॐ श्री साई जीवाधाराय नमः | Om Shri Sai Jeeva-Dharay Namah | Support of all Living Beings. | Sai Baba supports and sustains all living beings. He brings succor to one and all and offers them shelter under His umbrella of love and bliss. |
18 | ॐ श्री साई सर्वाधाराय नमः | Om Shri Sai Sarva-Dharay Namah | Support of the Universe | Sai Baba is everywhere and at all times. Though His physical body no longer remains, Sai tatva remains dormant in the whole universe and comes to the support of the needy. |
19 | ॐ श्री साई भक्तावनसमर्थाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Bhataava Samarthaay Namah | Bestower of Capacity to Achieve Results. | If a devotee meditates on Sai Baba with full faith and concentration, the merciful, compassionate Sai will grant spiritual power to Him. |
20 | ॐ श्री साई भक्तावन प्रतिज्ञान नमः | Om Shri Sai Bhaktavan Prati-Gyan Namah | One Who has Promised Protection to Devotees | Sai Baba lights the lamp of love and affection among the destitute, showering them with His grace and blessings, and dispelling their gloom. He who has vowed to protect His disciples is a beacon to them and leads them and leads them to self-realization. |

21 | ॐ श्री साई अन्नवस्त्रदाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Anna-Vastra-Daay Namah | Bestower of Food and Clothing | Sai Baba has given a commitment that there shall be no dearth of food and clothing in the houses of His devotees. He is ever conscious of their needs and sustains them with His grace and benevolence. |
22 | ॐ श्री साई आरोग्यक्षेमदाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Arogya-Kshemday Namah | Bestower of Health and Happiness | Sai Baba provides health and happiness to His devotees. His Udi, the spirituality power-packed ashes, acts as a panacea for all ailments of body and soul. |
23 | ॐ श्री साई धनमांगल्यप्रदाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Dhan-Maangalya-Praday Namah | Granter of Wealth and Well-being | If one takes to Baba with all one’s heart and soul, He bestows on him not only worldly possessions but also spiritual wealth, i.e.m Brahm Gyaan. |
24 | ॐ श्री साई रिद्धिसिद्धिदाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Riddhi-Siddhi-Day Namah | Bestower of Spiritual Psychic Powers | Blessed is he who has become one with Him. Sai bestows spiritual-psychic powers on one who surrenders unto Him totally. |
25 | ॐ श्री साई पुत्रमित्रकलत्रबन्धुदाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Putra-Mitra-Kalatra-Bandhu-Day Namah | Granter of Sons, Friends, Wives and Kin | Sai Baba is ever caring for those who place implicit faith in Him. He grants sons, friends, wives, and kin, to those who pray to Him sincerely. |
26 | ॐ श्री साई योगक्षेमवहाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Yoga-Kshem-Vahay Namah | Provider and Sustainer of Yogic Powers | Sai Baba undertakes the responsibility of providing for and sustaining the devotees, leading them on the virtuous path to God’s realization. |
27 | ॐ श्री साई आपद् बान्धवाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Apad-Bandhavaay Namah | Protector of the Distressed | Like a true friend, Sai Baba gives His devotees courage, succor, and solace to face the vicissitudes of life with hope and aspirations. |
28 | ॐ श्री साई मार्गबन्धवे नमः | Om Shri Sai Maarg-Bandhave Namah | Companion On Life’s Path | Sai Baba leads the true followers on the path of virtue, to realize the Self and attain eternal bliss and oneness with the Omniscient. |
29 | ॐ श्री साई भुक्तिमुक्ति स्वर्गापवर्गदाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Bhukti-Mukti Swargapravargadaya Namah | Bestower of Worldly Pleasures and Salvation | Sai Baba grants His devotees what they desire, and at the same time guides them on the virtuous path of seeking the realization of the self. He bestows salvation and the nectar of bliss. |
30 | ॐ श्री साई प्रियाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Priyaay Namah | Beloved | Sai Baba is an embodiment of pure love – the love that permeates the heart and soul of His devotees, who in sheer ecstasy consider Him their very own and look to Him as their Beloved. |
31 | ॐ श्री साई प्रीति वर्धनाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Priti-Vardhanaay Namah | Provider of Boundless Love | Sai Baba Provides the capacity for boundless love. His message of harmony, unity, and love is vibrantly alive in the minds of His devotees. |
32 | ॐ श्री साई अंतर्यामिने नमः | Om Shri Sai Antaryamine Namah | Knower of Innermost Secrets | Sai Baba, eternally existent, knows the innermost secrets of the heart and is the revealer of truth. He is knowledge personified. He is Omniscient and Omnipresent. |
33 | ॐ श्री साई सच्चिदात्मने नमः | Om Shri Sai Sachchidatmane Namah | Symbol of Truth and Pure Consciousness | Sainath personifies truth and pure consciousness. He preaches that no religion is higher than truth, the inner Self is the same in all people – realize this. |
34 | ॐ श्री साई नित्यानंदाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Nityaananday Namah | Eternal Bliss | Sai Baba is the bosom of bliss in which devotees pray for a small corner to reside. |
35 | ॐ श्री साई परमसुखदाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Param-Sukh-Day Namah | Bestower of Supreme Happiness | On anyone who takes to Him, Sai bestows knowledge and wisdom and takes him beyond the ocean of mundane existence, thus providing divine bliss. |
36 | ॐ श्री साई परमेश्वराय नमः | Om Shri Sai Parameshwaraay Namah | Supreme Lord | Sainath is the indisputable Supreme Lord, the father of the Universe. |
37 | ॐ श्री साई परब्रह्मणे नमः | Om Shri Sai Parabrahmane Namah | Absolute Lord | Sai Baba is the Brahman, who is Maya, formless, and is in everything. He fills all space and is Omnipresent. |
38 | ॐ श्री साई परमात्मने नमः | Om Shri Sai Parmaatmane Namah | Supreme Self | Sai abides in the heart of everyone. From Him emanate memory, knowledge, and their absence. He is beyond the destructible, and commands reverence from all. |
39 | ॐ श्री साई ज्ञानस्वरूपिणे नमः | Om Shri Sai Gyaan-Swaroopine Namah | Embodiment of Knowledge | Sai Baba, the Eternal Being, is the personification of pure knowledge. He is eternal, pure, immovable, and imperishable. |
40 | ॐ श्री साई जगतपित्रे नमः | Om Shri Sai Jagat-Pita Namah | Father of the Universe | Lord Sainath is the Venerable Father of the Universe who loves those who seek refuge in Him. |

41 | ॐ श्री साई भक्तानां मात्रुधात्रूपितामहाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Bhaktanaam Maatru-Dhaatru-Pitamahay Namah | Mother, Bearer, and Great Sire of Devotees | When a devotee cries out to Sai in distress, Sai baba, like a mother who brings up her child lovingly, and like a grandfather who dotes on his grandchild, responds instantly with love and affection. |
42 | ॐ श्री साई भक्ताभयप्रदाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Bhakta-Bhay-Praday Namah | Granter of Freedom from Fear | If one has complete faith in Sai Baba, He will take him beyond the seven seas, beyond fear, and beyond worldly matters. |
43 | ॐ श्री साई भक्तपराधीनाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Bhakta-Pradadhinaay Namah | Subservient to Devotees | If one places absolute faith in Baba and surrenders heart and soul to Him, Baba reciprocates to him and becomes his servant. |
44 | ॐ श्री साई भक्तानुग्रहकातराय नमः | Om Shri Sai Bhaktanugrahkatraay Namah | Showerer of Grace on Devotees | The mystic phenomenon that is Sai Baba, is ever eager to bless and shower grace on His devotees and comes to their help in the hour of their need. |
45 | ॐ श्री साई शरणागतवत्सलाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Sharnagatvatsalaay Namah | Lover of Refuge Seeker | A person who seeks refuge in Sai Baba, by surrendering unto Him totally, and by shedding off his ego, becomes entitled to His abounding love and affection. |
46 | ॐ श्री साई भक्तिशक्तिप्रदाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Bhakti-Shakti-Praday Namah | Granter of Devotion and Power | By losing one’s false individuality into the ocean of cosmic divine personality, one attains enormous powers which enable one to reach heights and achieve impossible results. |
47 | ॐ श्री साई ज्ञानवैराग्यदाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Gyaan-Vairaagya-Daay Namah | Bestower of Knowledge and Detachment | Sai Baba, personifying knowledge and wisdom, frees man from worldly desires by giving them what they want so that they may learn to want what He wants to give them. |
48 | ॐ श्री साई प्रेमप्रदाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Prempradaay Namah | Granter of Love | Sai teaches no creed, is not the founder of any sect, and reveres all religions. He preaches love and noble deeds, showering limitless love on His devotees. |
49 | ॐ श्री साई संशय ह्रदय दौर्बल्य पापकर्म नमः | Om Shri Sai Sanshay Hriday Dourbalya Paapkarma Namah | Obliterator of Doubts, Weakness of Heart, Sinful Acts and Evil Desires | Sai Baba of Shirdi dispels doubts, evil thoughts and deeds, and ignorance if one surrenders to Him in total faith. Only then will he experience divine bliss. |
50 | ॐ श्री साई ह्रदयग्रंथिभेदकाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Hriday-Granthi-Bhedkaay Namah | Remover of Knots in Hearts | Sai Baba gives His devotees an illumination that makes them aware of God, of self, and helps them to conquer their ego, thereby giving them ultimate realisation. |
51 | ॐ श्री साई कर्मध्वंसिने नमः | Om Shri Sai Karma-Dhavansine Namah | Remover of Evil Effects of Sins of Previous Lives | Sai Baba forgives all Sins and even destroys the ill effects of Bad karmas of previous births. |
52 | ॐ श्री साई शुद्ध सत्वस्थिताय नमः | Om Shri Sai Shuddha Satvasthitaay Namah | Established in Pure Truths and Thougths | Sai inspires and generates pure and pious thoughts in His devotees, guiding them on the virtuous path, to transcend the highest order of their lives. |
53 | ॐ श्री साई गुणातीत गुणात्मने नमः | Om Shri Sai Gunantita Gunaatmane Namah | Virtuous and Attributeless | Endowed with all virtues and yet attributeless, Sai Baba is an incarnation of Lord Shiva. The Good Lord incarnates age after age to redeem mankind from sins. |
54 | ॐ श्री साई अनंत कल्याणगुणाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Anant Kalyaan-Gunaay Namah | Limitless Virtues | Sai Baba is resplendent with virtuous attributes that are limitless, and He has limitless forms, filling all vast spaces. |
55 | ॐ श्री साई अमितपराक्रमाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Amit-Paraakramaay Namah | Unlimited Supreme Power | Lord Sainath, the Fakir of Shirdi, is the storehouse of power. His name denotes absolute power. |
56 | ॐ श्री साई जयिने नमः | Om Shri Sai Jayine Namah | Personification of Victory | Sai Baba is the infinite ocean of peace, and for Him, there is no defeat or failure. He is ever victorious as He is supreme. |
57 | ॐ श्री साई दुर्धर्षाक्षोभ्याय नमः | Om Shri Sai Durdharsha-Kshobhyayaay Namah | Unchallengable and Unshakeable | Sai Baba is in everything and everything is His. Every thought is His, every impulse is His. He is unchallengeable and impossible to defy. |
58 | ॐ श्री साई अपराजिताय नमः | Om Shri Sai Aparaajitaay Namah | Unconquerable | Sai Baba is second to none. His ways and means are many. See Him in every Soul to attain one’s spiritual goal. |
59 | ॐ श्री साई त्रिलोकेशु अविघातगतये नमः | Om Shri Sai Trilokeshu Avidhaatgataye Namah | Lord of the Three Worlds Without Obstruction | Sai Baba, Lord of the three worlds, is the personification of dharma, leading His devotees along the correct path without any impediment. |
60 | ॐ श्री साईं अशक्यरहिताय नमः | Om Shri Sai Ashakya-Rahitay Namah | For Whom Nothing is Impossible | Sai Baba, the gentle incarnation of Lord Shiva, is all-powerful, all-pervading, all-embracing, and all-merciful. For Him, nothing is impossible for everything is as He will. |
61 | ॐ श्री साईं सर्वशक्तिमुर्तये नमः | Om Shri Sai Sarva-Shakti-Murtaye Namah | Almighty | Lord Sainath is Absolute, the Supreme Self, who is All-Powerful and Unconquerable. |
62 | ॐ श्री साईं सुरूपसुन्दराय नमः | Om Shri Sai Suroop-Sundaraay Namah | Beautiful Form | Sainath, an incarnation of Lord Shiva, is of unique splendor, whose eyes are beautiful and magnetic, drawing crowds to His abode in great swarms. |
63 | ॐ श्री साईं सुलोचनाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Sulochana Namah | With Beautiful Eyes | Sai Baba, the gentle Lord of Shirdi, has beautiful, yet powerful eyes. His glance is auspicious, and His eyes are illuminous, bright, and shining with spiritual power. |
64 | ॐ श्री साईं बहुरूपविश्वमुर्तये नमः | Om Shri Sai Bahuroop-Vishwa-Murtaye Namah | Protean | Sai Baba manifests in the form of the universe itself and is the Master of existence. His is a unique phenomenon on the horizon of spirituality. |
65 | ॐ श्री साईं अरूपाव्यक्ताय नमः | Om Shri Sai Arupaa-Vyaktaay Namah | Formless and Indescribable | Sai Baba, whose image cannot be bound in words, and whose knowledge has touched beyond the far-reaching universe, and unfathomable depths of the ocean, is beyond vision and human comprehension. |
66 | ॐ श्री साईं अचिन्त्याय नमः | Om Shri Sai Achintayaay Namah | Inconceivable | Sai Baba, who has attained Mahasamadhi, is inconceivable and incomprehensible and is beyond description. He is attributeless and Truth personified. |
67 | ॐ श्री साईं सूक्ष्माय नमः | Om Shri Sai Sookshamaay Namah | Subtle and all Pervasive | Sai is pervading the whole earth in a subtle form. If one experiences Oneness with Him in one’s everyday life, it is due to the grace of God. |
68 | ॐ श्री साईं सर्वन्तार्यामिने नमः | Om Shri Sai Sarvaantaryaamine Namah | Dweller in Every Creature | Since Sai Baba dwells in the heart of every living creature, He wants one to forget one’s body consciousness and merge one’s mind, body, intellect, and ego in His consciousness. |
69 | ॐ श्री साईं मनोवागतीताय नमः | Om Shri Sai Manovaagtitaay Namah | Transcends Mind and Speech | Sai Baba knows the past, present, and future of every animate and inanimate object as He dwells in them all. He is familiar with the devotee’s past, thoughtss and speech. |
70 | ॐ श्री साईं प्रेममूर्तये नमः | Om Shri Sai Prem-Murtaye Namah | Embodiment of Love | Sai represents pure love and truth. One who ever concentrates on Him will be clothed with a panoply of spiritual armour. |
71 | ॐ श्री साईं सुलभदुर्लभाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Sulabh-Durlabhaay Namah | Easy to Reach, Difficult to Approach | Sai Baba has enjoined His devotees to give up their cleverness and approach Him with a single heart when He would be easily accessible. |
72 | ॐ श्री साईं असहायसहायाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Asahaay-Sahaayaay Namah | Supporter of the Helpless | By casting all one’s burdens unto the all-knowing Sainath, one can be assured of full support and sustenance from Him. |
73 | ॐ श्री साईं अनाथनाथदीनबन्धवे नमः | Om Shri Sai Anaath-Naath-Din-Bandhave Namah | Protector of the Unprotected | Sainath had said, “Why should any fear when I am there? Cast all burdens onto Me and I shall bear with them.” The truth of His undertaking is experienced by His devotees every moment. |
74 | ॐ श्री साईं सर्वभारभ्रुते नमः | Om Shri Sai Sarva-Bhaar-Bhrute Namah | Accepter of all Burdens | Ingrevious trouble, if one prays to Sainath for succour, He comes to him immediately, providing sustenance, and relieving him of distress. |
75 | ॐ श्री साईं अकर्मानेककर्मसुकर्मिने नमः | Om Shri Sai Akarmaa-Nek-Karmasu-Karmine Namah | Inspiration for Virtuous Deeds | Sai Baba is non-doer, yet He inspires others to perform virtuous deeds. He is beyond duality. |
76 | ॐ श्री साईं पुण्यश्रवणकीर्तनाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Punya-Shravan-Kirtanaay Namah | Sai Evokes Religious Fervour | Hearing and speaking of Sai Baba’s glories evokes religious merit. The divine name is the greatest saviour in this Kaliyug. The name redeems the fallen. It is a panacea for all ills of life. |
77 | ॐ श्री साईं तीर्थाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Tirthaay Namah | Embodiment of Holy Places | Sai Baba is all-pervading, and an embodiment of all holy places. Worship at His lotus feet gives one the same merits as of going to holy places and bathing in holy waters. |
78 | ॐ श्री साईं वासुदेवाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Vasudevaay Namah | Incarnation of Vasudeva | Sainath is Vasudeva or Lord Krishna. His very name generates a flood of divine love and splendour in one’s heart. |
79 | ॐ श्री साईं सतांगतये नमः | Om Shri Sai Sataangataye Namah | Resort of the Virtuous | Obeisance at Sai Baba’s feet leads the devotee onto the virtuous path and the final goal of his life. |
80 | ॐ श्री साईं सत्परायनाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Satparaaynaay Namah | Truth Incarnate | Sai Baba, fully dedicated to truth, carried on His mission of destroying distress, strengthening faith, and establishing truth among His devotees. |
81 | ॐ श्री साईं लोकनाथाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Lok-Naathaay Namah | Lord of the Universe | Sai Baba, the incarnation of Lord Shiva, is the creator, protector and destroyer of everything in the universe. He is all-powerful, all-pervading – the Supreme Lord. |
82 | ॐ श्री साईं पावनान्घाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Paavanaandhyaay Namah | Pure and Free From Sins | Sai Baba desires that devotees who want Him, should follow the path of pure devotion and attain spirituality. |
83 | ॐ श्री साईं अम्रुतांशवे नमः | Om Shri Sai Amrutaanshave Namah | Bestower of Immortality | Sainath lights the lamp of wisdom in His devotees’ minds, dispelling desires, and helping to experience heavenly bliss and ultimate beatitude, for He is the bestower of immortality. |
84 | ॐ श्री साईं भास्करप्रभाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Bhaaskar-Prabhaay Namah | Lustrous like the Sun | Lord Sai, the dispeller of sheer ignorance, who helps one to merge one’s individuality in the universal Being, is lustrous like the sun. |
85 | ॐ श्री साईं ब्रह्मचर्य तपश्चर्यादि सुव्रताय नमः | Om Shri Sai Brahmachaarya Tapascharyaadi Suvrataay Namah | Celibate, Ascetic with Other High Spiritual Disciplines | Sai Baba adopts celibacy, asceticism and other spiritual practices, and responds to the divine call, attaining God-realisation and Godhood. |
86 | ॐ श्री साईं सत्यधर्मंपरायनाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Satya-Dharm-Paraaynaay Namah | Engrossed in Truth and Righteousness | If one sincerely follows Sai Baba’s teachings, one’s nescience will disappear – replaced by strong waves of devotion and love, and righteous conduct. |
87 | ॐ श्री साईं सिद्धेश्वराय नमः | Om Shri Sai Siddheshwaraay Namah | Lord of Spiritual Powers | Sai Baba descended on earth as an incarnation of Lord Shiva who is endowed with full Riddhis and Siddhi. Devotees who take to Baba, automatically acquire supernatural powers. |
88 | ॐ श्री साईं सिद्धसंकल्पाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Siddha-Sankalpaay Namah | Whose Will Prevails | Sai Baba shows His devotees the path which provides new strength. He involves the most creative minds, enlightening them with the knowledge of God’s love. |
89 | ॐ श्री साईं योगेश्वराय नमः | Om Shri Sai Yogeshwaraay Namah | Incarnation of Shiva and Krishna | Sai Baba is the incarnation of Shiva and Krishna. One may call Him by any name one likes. He incarnates repeatedly for the benefit of mankind. |
90 | ॐ श्री साईं भगवते नमः | Om Shri Sai Bhagvate Namah | Possessor of Divine Glory | Sai Baba, the Fakir of Shirdi, is Existence Absolute, Consciousness Absolute and Bliss Absolute. He is ever pure, is beyond illusion, is formless and is without taint. He is Divinity, the Supreme Lord. |
91 | ॐ श्री साईं भक्तवत्सलाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Bhakta-Vatsalaay Namah | Full of Love for Devotees | Sai Baba, the personification of purity and Divine love, persuades His devotees to merge into Him with full faith and realise Divine bliss. |
92 | ॐ श्री साईं सत्पुरुषाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Satpurushaay Namah | Virtuous, Pious and Venerable One | Sai Baba is most virtuous and noble. He is the absolute, attributeless, having no name or residence, yet resides in all. |
93 | ॐ श्री साईं पुरुषोत्तमाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Purushottamaay Namah | Incarnation of Purushottama | Sai Baba is God Incarnate, who took the incarnation of Purushottama (Lord Rama) to establish righteousness. As Sai Baba descended on earth to enlighten His children and give them self-knowledge. |
94 | ॐ श्री साईं सत्यतत्त्वबोधकाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Satya-Tatva-Bodh-Kaay Namah | Preceptor of The Essence of Truth and Reality | Sai Baba, the Incarnation of Lord Shiva, Who came to Shirdi as Fakir is a self-existent, self-luminous truth. |
95 | ॐ श्री साईं कामदिषड्वैरिध्वंसिने नमः | Om Shri Sai Kamadi-Shad-Vairi-Dhvansine Namah | Destroyer of Worldly Desire | Sai Baba is the destroyer of six worldly desires of man – lust, anger, greed, hatred, pride and envy. When the ego is tamed, one can realize one’s self. |
96 | ॐ श्री साईं अभेदानंदानुभवप्रदाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Abheda-Nanadaanubhav-Pradaay Namah | Bestower of Bliss | Sai Baba, an Incarnation of Lord Shiva bestows Bliss on His devotees. This Bliss can be realised from oneness with God. In the egoless state, all actions are joyous, effortless and spontaneous. |
97 | ॐ श्री साईं समसर्वमतसमताय नमः | Om Shri Sai Sam-Sarva-Mat-Samtaay Namah | Preacher of Equality of all Faiths | To Sainath, the Incarnation of Lord Shiva, all religious faiths are equal and led to the same destination of God – Realisation. |
98 | ॐ श्री साईं दक्षिणामूर्तये नमः | Om Shri Sai Dakshina-Murtaye Namah | Lord Dakshina Murti | Sai Baba is an incarnation of Dakshina Murti (Lord Shiva). He descended to the earth in the human form to enlighten man and guide him in realizing the Self. |
99 | ॐ श्री साईं वेन्कतेशरमनाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Venkatesh-Ramanaay Namah | Lord Venkateshwara | Sai Nath remains merged in Lord Venkateshawara who is Lord Vishnu, the Infinite, the Absolute Supreme, Being pervading the whole universe. |
100 | ॐ श्री साईं अदभुतानन्तचर्याय नमः | Om Shri Sai Adbutaanant-Charyay Namah | Performer of Marvellous and Blissful Deeds | Sai Baba is the symbol of Existence, Consciousness and Bliss. He is capable of performing Infinite and Marvellous Deeds. |
101 | ॐ श्री साईं प्रपन्नार्तिहराय नमः | Om Shri Sai Prapannarti-Haraay Namah | Eradicator of Distress | Whoever takes refuge in Him, Sainath takes his burden on Himself and provides him relief from the vicissitudes of life. |
102 | ॐ श्री साईं संसारसर्वदुःखक्षयकराय नमः | Om Shri Sai Sansara Sarva-Dukh-Kshaya-Karaay Namah | Destroyer of all Calamities | Sai Baba, Who infuses love and wisdom in man, destroys every calamity and suffering, thus granting bliss to mankind. |
103 | ॐ श्री साईं सर्ववित्सर्वतोमुखाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Sarvit-Sarvato-Mukhaay Namah | Omniscient and Omnipresent | Sai Baba, the Supreme Lord, teaches man not to think of the past or future, but to live intensely in the present, for He is all-pervading and all-knowing. |
104 | ॐ श्री साईं सर्वान्तर्बहि: स्थिताय नमः | Om Shri Sai Sarvantarbahi Sthitaay Namah | All Pervading | The Lord has manifested Himself in the form of Sai Baba. He is the Divine Mother and Father. He stays inside and outside all beings. |
105 | ॐ श्री साईं सर्वमंगलकराय नमः | Om Shri Sai Sarva-Mangal-Karaay Namah | Cause of Auspiciousness | Sai Baba, the Great Benefactor, grants one the power to transcend one’s ego and attachment to personal benefits and bestows auspiciousness all around. |
106 | ॐ श्री साईं सर्वाभीष्टप्रदाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Sarvaa-Bhisht-Pradaay Namah | Fulfiller of all Desires | Sainath responds to all prayers, granting all desires, so that His devotee may turn to His way of teaching and what He likes them to do. |
107 | ॐ श्री साईं समरससनमार्गस्थापनाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Samaras-Sanmaarg-Sthapanaay Namah | Establisher of Amity | Sai establishes Amity and Harmony amongst followers of diverse religions. He advocates the practice of performing one’s duty and living amongst people with amity and understanding. |
108 | ॐ श्री साईं समर्थ सदगुरु साईनाथाय नमः | Om Shri Sai Samarth Sadguru Sainathaay Namah | Supreme and Powerful Guru | Sainath is the Supreme and all Powerful Master Who had come to earth to redeem mankind of His misery and to take him to Godhead. |
© Shirdi Sai Baba Life Teachings and Stories – Member of SaiYugNetwork.com
You did a great service. Do you know about these Sanskrit books?
Sai Ramji Sfauthor,
Thanks for your compliment and the link. It will be of help to visitors of this blog too.
Jai Sai Ramji
Sai Ki Deewani
Hetal Patil
Ms hetal,
I just wanted to know regarding the diet on this vrat day.. why im asking again this question because im a patient and i need to take medicines..so please kindly answer me.. i performed this vrat on 13thjune 2013 in the evening time and i consumed oatmeal as my breakfast and lunch as rice n daal and remaining day consumed bread with jam.. is that fine or i need to leave this kind of procedure please reply me soon..my email -id ramyagarg@yahoo.in
thank you
jis link me sai ka name aa gaya vo link kisi mantra se kam nahi
thank you for providing meanings of sai asthotharra….
Thank you so much….
Thank you so much, This English Translation helps a lot in proper pronunciation of the 108 names of our God Sai Baba.
Om Sai Ram
omsairam thank u so much
Om sai ram
jai sai ram
Thank. You so much for this link
jai jai sai ram
Om shri sai samrath shri sadguru sainathya namah
jai jai sai
om namah shivah
om sai ram
Jai jai shivji bhole
jai sai jai
Om sai nathaya namah
Jai sai ram
Hare ram hare ram ram hare hare
Hare Krishna hare Krishna hare hare
can i perform the sai 9 guruvar vrat in the evening time? thank you please to me hetal ji..
Thank you baba for alwyz listening to our praysand fulfilling our dreams always.
sainath maharaj ki jai
Thank you baba for always taking care of all our needs and helping us.
jai sai ram
Thank you for such wonderful meaning
Thank you baba for always listening to
our prayersand thank you so much for all your blessings and for the blessings which r on our.
Jai sai ram
Baba hamari bhakti ki laaj rakhne aur hamesha hamari mushkil mitane Ke liye thank you so much baba.
jai sai ram
Baba pls help me and be with me as always.
Jai sai ram
om sai ram
Baba thank. U for always being with us and helping me us in all difficult times.
jai sai ram.
Baba pls meri bhakti ki laaj rakna aur sari mushkil door karna.baba pls help us bless us forgive us and be with us always.
Thank you so.much baba for your blessings and for the blessings which r on our way.
jai sai ram
Baba pls chalbaajo ki chalo ko nakamyab karo .insaaf karo borayee ka ant karo
Jai said ram
Thank u baba for always listening to our prayers and helping us in difficult times .Thank u for all your blessings and for the blessings which r on our way.
Jai said ram
Baba hamesha ki tarah kal bhi mera sath dena pls.
Jai said ram
Baba pls Sab kuch sahane ki shakti do aur insaaf karo jhooth ka saath mat do insaaf karo. thank u for all ur blessings and for the blessings which r on our way.
Jai sai ram.
Baba I really need u at this difficult time.pls b with me as always.
Om sai ram.
om sai ram ji…sai baba u always bless me thank you very muchhhhhhh..i love you a lottttttttt sai baba..please babaji clear my hubby's taxi license as soon as possible
Ek fakira aaya shirdi gayo'n me'n… aa baitha ek neem ki thandi chhayon'n me…
Baba pls ab to sun Lo ab aur der Mat lagao hamari khali zholi bhar do baba pls meri Bhakti ki laaj rakho baba pls
Jai Sai Ram 🙏🙏🙏🌺🌺
Sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairamsairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairamsairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairamsairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairamsairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairamsairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam
Jai sairam
Baba thank you so much for all your blessings and for the blessings which are on our way ..🙏🌺🌺
Jai Sai Ram 🙏🙏🙏
Baba pls jaldi se khush khabri suna do impossible ko possible Karoo pls baba
Jai Sai Ram
Thank you so much baba for all ur blessings and for the blessings which are on our way …!!!
Jai Shree Sai 🙏🙏🌺🌺🌸🌸
Sairam sairam sairamsairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam ssiram sairam ssiram sairam sairam sairam sairam sairamsairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairamsairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam ssiram ssiram sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam ssiram sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairamsairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam ssiram sairam sairam ssiram sairam sairam sairam sairam sairamsairam sairam sairam ssiram sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam s sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam ssiram sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam sairam
Hi .I started doing vrat from today .this is my first Thursday. I am breastfeeding mother . I am on fruit ,and sweet whole day . And after doing evening pooja I ate fruit and in night I will eat suji halwa. Pls tell me am I doing it correctly?
71om sai ram 🌹♥️🙏🌹
62..Om sai ram 🌸🌹🙏🌹🙏❤️❤️❤️🌼
73..Om SAi ram 🙏🌹❤️🙏
73..Om SAi ram 🙏🌹❤️🙏🙏🙏🙏🌺
74..Om sai ram 🌹♥️🙏🌹❤️♥️🌹🌹🙏❤️❤️🌼🌻
75..Om sai ram 🌹♥️🌹🙏❤️♥️🌹🙏❤️❤️♥️🌹
Om sai ram🙌
77..Om sai ram 🙏🌹♥️🌹🌹🌹🙏