Excerpt from letter Shri Nilkanth Sahasrabhuddhe

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The following is an excerpt from letter written on 18/2/1920 by Shri Nilkanth Ramchandra Sahasrabhuddhe citing his experiences………One of Sai’s hands was wounded. He used to tie a bandage so tightly around it that anyone else would be in unbearable pain. But, He did not give any other treatment to the wound, even though His devotees requested Him to do so. Once, in reply, He said, “There should be a great fire lit up with at least a thousand or two ‘Govrya’ (dung cakesused as fuel) and then (touching his body) put all this in it and watch the fun from a distance. Once, when I was in Shirdi, I met a rich old man from Bandra, who had adopted a son. But he was unhappy with the behaviour of his adopted son and told me at length regarding this.

When we left Mumbai, the boy satin another compartment, since he wanted to smoke. And, instead ofgetting down at Kopargaon, he went two stations ahead. He returned two hours later by a train coming from Ahmednagar. Even then he did not come near us; but sat elsewhere. When I took the old man for the noon Arti,he followed us; but stood aloof. I did not know then, who the boy was.But, when he bowed to Baba like the rest, Baba immediately spoke of filial duty and so, I asked the old man, if it indeed was his adopted son and he said yes. After 3-4 days the boy got bored and had thought ofquietly leaving in the evening; but before the people dispersed after the Arti, Baba said, “No one should leave without my permission.” The boy got scared and revealed, what he had planned to his father. Sages thus practice various types of Karma Yoga

Source : Sai Leela Magazine

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 489


  1. Inwardly, Sai Baba was unattached and indifferent but outwardly, He longed for mass welfare as Karma Yogi.

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