Shirdi Sai Baba’s Timely Alarms

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Shirdi Sai Baba gave warning of the calamities which would befall on His devotees well in advance and the following two incidents reveal the fact.

There was a carpenter called Kondya in Shirdi, who was devotee of Sai Baba. One afternoon, Baba said to him, “There is a fire in Khalwadi (threshing ground); so you go there!” It was a hot summer afternoon; but Kondya went running to the threshing ground; only to find that there was no fire at all. “Why did You make me run in scorching heat?” Sai said,”Turn around!” When Kondya turned around, he saw that a stack of hay was on fire and he could see the smoke. Suddenly, a strong wind started blowing and there was an alarm in the village. The villagers thought that, now all the stacks would catch fire causing great damage and so, they pleaded to Baba. Sai reached Khalwadi and made a ring of water around the burning pile. He said, ” Only this pile will burn. Others will remain unharmed” And so it happened.

Nanasaheb Beray worked as an Inspector in the agricultural department. He was a devotee of Sai Maharaj. Once, when he went for Sai’s Darshan, Sai said, “You go to the station (Kopergaon) immediately! Do not delay.”So, Nanasaheb left quickly. He drove the tonga at top speed. There was another tonga following him. The gentleman sitting in it said, “There is still time for the train. What’s the hurry? We can take it easy.” But Mr. Beray did not agree and he went quickly to the station. Later, he heard the news that the tong, which was following him was stopped and looted by robbers. They also beat up the passengers. Mr. Beray then realised the importance of Sai’s words and kept saying that it was Sai Who saved him.

Source : Sai Leela Magazine

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 489


  1. Sai:
    Be always there with your august hands on me;
    When you are there, troubles can never make me fear.

  2. "Later, he heard the news that the tong, which was following him was stopped and looted by robbers. They also beat up the passengers"
    The point is why didn't our Sai save the tonga following Nanasaheb. Why this partiality, God sees everyone with an equal eye than why this favouratism of protecting Nanasaheb only. OM SAI RAM 9

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