In the first post, focus will be on knowing briefly about different Avatars, the connections between them and then learning more about the first avatar of Kaliyuga – Sri Sripada Srivallabha Whose birthday is on Shri Ganesh Chaturthi day.
Kaliyugee Avataara Saguna Parabrahm Saachara
Avateerna Jhaalase Swami Datta Digambara, Datta Digambara Aarti Sai BabaSai Baba Is An Incarnation Of Lord Dattatreya. Lord Datttatreya Is The “Guru Principle” In The Universe (“Universal Guru”). Entire Creation Of The Universe Is The Children Of Lord Dattatreya.
Avataraseen Too Yaetaan Dharmaante Glanee,
Naastheekaanaahee Too Laavisi Nijabhajanee
Daavisi Naanaa Leela Asankhya Roopaanee,
Harisee Dheenanche Too Sankata Dinarajanee
Jaya Deva Jaya Deva Dutta Avadhuta O Sai Avadhuta…Lord Dattatreya Descends On This Earth To Establish “Satya” (The Universal Truth), “Rta” (The Cosmic Order), “Dharma” (The Perennial Principles). In All Its Entirety. Showing Many Types Of Leelas (Graces) In Innumerable Forms; Lord Dattatreya Removes The Miseries Of The Devotees, Day And Night.
Dattavtars and Perfect Masters
Being kids and devotees of Sai Baba, we are blessed and fortunate to have the opportunity to read Shri Sai Satcharitra. In Shri Sai Satcharitra, the names of Shri Akkalkot Swami Samarth and Shri Narasimha Saraswati (earlier incarnations of Lord Datta) are mentioned. While reading Sri Sai Satcharitra, a desire arose in my heart to know more about these incarnations and read the leelas. Baba knows how to pull strings and give opportunities. With blessings and motivation from Baba, over the last few years got the opportunity to learn about Perfect Masters and avatars of Lord Dattatreya from Charita of each incarnation and available resources. Now Baba is motivating to share the details and resources on this sacred blog.
Based on different sources some manifestations of Lord Datta are considered as full incarnations and some are partial incarnations and some are considered Perfect Masters. For human beings, the benefit of worshipping any form derives the same results and it’s not worth discussing who is full or partial manifestation. Only Lord Datta knows the true nature of each appearance.
Names of Datta Avatars & Perfect Masters
Sri Sripada Srivallabha
Sri Narasimha Saraswati
Sri Akkalkot Swami Samarth
Sri Manik Prabhu Maharaj
Sri Guru Gajanan Maharaj Shegaon
Sri Shirdi Sai Baba
Sri Nav Nathas
Sri Shankar Maharaj
Hazrat Tajuddin Baba
Sri Narayan Maharaj
Sri Avatar Meher Baba
Hazrat Babajan
Sri Upasani (Baba) Maharaj
Sri Vasudevanand Saraswati Tembe Swami Maharaj
There are many more names in the list. For example: there are many Perfect Masters who are disciples of Shri Akkalkot Swami Maharaj and Shri Manik Prabhu Maharaj continuing Guru-Shishya tradition.
Relationship Between Different Incarnations of Lord Datta
- At a given time, multiple incarnations/manifestations of Lord Dattatreya can be active. For example: there is overlap between the time period of Sri Akkalkot Swami, Sri Manik Prabhu, Sri Guru Gajanan Maharaj and Sri Sai Baba. This is similar to how Lord Parshuram and Lord Rama avatars of Lord Vishnu were active at the same time.
- Upliftment work continues from one manifestation to another. For example: Haji Abdul Baba and Bade Baba were born during the time of Lord Sripada in the 13th century when Lord Sripada told them that they will be liberated when Lord Sripada will reappear as Lord Sai Baba. Similarly Maha Bhakatas like Bapu Saheb Butti, Shri Dhumal ji were earlier devotees of Shri Guru Gajanan Maharaj of Shegaon who later came to Shri Sai Baba. So this clearly shows that only the outer form of Perfect Masters (who are the form of Lord Dattreya) changes but they ensure the upliftment of devotees continue till they attain Moksha.
- One may have love towards Lord Datta in one particular form but one should always give respect to all Perfect Masters and incarnations as all are Lord Datta. Love of Maa Meera towards Lord Krishna is same pious as love of Swami Tulsidas towards Lord Rama, both two different forms of the same Lord Vishnu.
First Datta Avatar in Kaliyuga: Lord Sripada Srivallabha
Shri Kshetra Pithapuram (Pithapur, East Godavari District in Andhra Pradesh, India).
Sreepada vallbha Jayanthi: Bhadrapada Suddah Chaturthi. Lord Srīpāda was born at sunrise on a day of Ganesh Chaturthi in the year 1320 AD. Ganesh Chaturthi is a festival in honour of Lord Ganesha celebrated on the fourth ascending moon phase in Virgo. Thus, Srīpāda’s birthday is annually celebrated on the day of Ganesh Chaturthi.
1320 A.D
Mahasamadhi (Antardhan) Place:
Shri Kshetra Kurvapur (also known as Kurugadda or Kurugaddi; located on the banks of Krishna river in border of Telangana & Karnataka states, India)
Mahasamadhi Day/Time:
Guru Dwadashi (the day of antardhan of Sri Padavallabha-ashweeja bahula dwadasi). Guru Dwadashi 2021 date is November 2.
Mahasamadhi Year:
1350 A.D
Family Details
- Grandfather: Maharishi Bāpanāryā!
- Mother: Sarva Mangala Devi Sumatī Maharani
- Father: Lord Appalaraja Sarma
Mantras for Chanting
1) Srīpāda Rājam Saranam Prapadye
2) Datta Digambarā,
Srīpāda Vallabha Digambarā,
Narasimha Saraswati Datta Digambarā!
Parayan Granth (Charita): Sri Sripada Srivallabha Charithamrutham
To understand and learn leelas of Lord Sripada, devotees are requested to complete parayan of Sri Sripada Srivallabha Charithamrutham and Sri Guru Charitra (Chapters 1 to 10)
Sri Sripada Srivallabha Charithamrutham
Learnings from Sri Sripada Srivallabha Charithamrutham
Lord Datta is not bounded to any form.
- Any form of Lord Datta one worship or just chant name in any form, Lord is pleased. Whichever God is worshipped, the worship reaches Lord Datta. If Lord Datta is worshipped, one will get the fruit of worshipping all gods.
- Lord Dattatreya is not limited to one religion. Lord Datta is not limited to specific gender (Male / Female). Lord Datta is Digambara. When the Lord is in the form of a man, is called Datta and When in the form of a woman, called Adi Parashakti.
Lord Datta is the doer
- The consciousness of Lord Datta is eternally present. Whatever happened in the past, and whatever is happening at present and whatever is to happen in the future will occur according to the will of Lord Datta. The resolve of Lord Datta is essential for an event to happen, not to happen or to happen in a different novel way. Srī Dattatreya is the personification of that magnificent determination responsible for the creation, sustenance, and liquidation. Lord Dattatreya can create many universes at will and at the same time destroy many.
Lord Datta is the most Compassionate one
- Lord Dattratreya is full of compassion which is greater than the love of a crore of mothers.
How to attain grace of Lord Datta
No one can get Lord Datta through any type of japa or tapa or yogic practices or any other method. One can get Lord Datta only through Datta’s special grace. Even those sacred people who had merged in Lord Datta will have to take birth with gross bodies on different occasions according to Datta’ will and perform Datta’s tasks.
To get the grace of Lord Datta, the ahamkāra (ego) within us has to be destroyed. All types of pride have to become extinct. Then only we can understand His power, His mercy and His real nature.
For seeker of truth, non-violence is a supreme duty (not hurting anyone even with words).
Srī Datta will be delighted for very modest services. If food is provided in the name of Datta to a worthy person or any being, the donor derives immense benefit.
Impact of Karmas – Vibrations
- Vibrations emanate from every article in the Creation. On account of these variegated vibrations, attraction and repulsion take place with other things. In the gross, subtle and mortal (fleshy) bodies, good vibrations due to good deeds and bad vibrations due to sinful acts arise. On account of a meritorious virtue, the desire for meeting pious persons, visiting holy places and an interest in righteous deeds will increase. Thereby, the virtuous merit gets enhanced. Unless that virtue increases and sin diminishes, we cannot have a steady devotion towards Lord Datta.
Srikshetra Pithapuram Samsthanam Photo and Website:
Srikshetra Pithapuram Samsthanam (Birthplace) Website:
- Shri Sai Satcharitra
- Shri Sripada Srivallabha Charitamrutham
- ShreeSwami Org website
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Love you Baba. Jai Sai Samarth! Jai Gurudev Dutta!
Digambara Digambara Sripada Srivallabha Digambara!
Digambara Digambara Srichakra Dattatreya Digamabra!
Aum Sai Rakshak Sharnam Deva!
Thank you so much for giving such divine information of guru datt swamy. I am blessed to read this
Digambara Digambara Sripada Srivallabha Digambara!
Digambara Digambara Srichakra Dattatreya Digambara!
Aum Sai Rakshak SharanamDeva!
Many thanks Sairam for this valuable post. Jai Gurudeva Ditta
Many thanks for this valuable post Sairam. Jai sri Gurudeva Dutta
Thankyou somuch for beautiful article ofswamy🙏omsairam