Friendships With Sai Baba – Celebrating Friendship Day in Unique Way

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Devotion is attached with lot many devotions. We have come across many devotees who see Baba as their friend. We know that they can share anything with a friend and if that friend is Baba then sharing becomes more easy and it devotion adds up as well. When the devotion gets attached with dedication, love flows incessantly. Todays post covers this essence.

Friendships with Sai Baba – this is something that has been crawling in my mind since two days. Friendship day is round the corner, and I am sure each one of us has some or other plans to celebrate it with their friends. Being pre-occupied with other posts and blog plans, thinking to write something fresh was out of question. Well this has been decided by Baba and who can dare to go against His will.

We always want Baba to make and keep us happy, curb our bad karmas and give us salvation. Well I think devotion and spirituality aims at this. But if we consider Baba as a friend, there should be conversation that is not limited to our own perspective. Sometimes it’s necessary that we should also listen to Him rather than only sharing or pleading Him. It might be difficult to listen to Him initially but believe me once you start listening to Him, you willcome to know there’s no need to speak to Him. The thought is in you and it is known by Him even before it enters you. So why unnecessarily make pleas and requests when you that Baba knows everything in full circle.

This doesnt mean that we should not speak or ask anything from Baba. We should not pester Him anyday, instead try to listen to Him, act accordingly and see worst turning into best, just as a magic wand circles and magic happens.

Conversing with Baba doesn’t necessarily means that we go on asking for fulfillment of one or other demand, or taking us of a trouble, it means having a conversation beyond this. How? We can have casual talks where you can tell Baba about happenings, discuss what you think about them or what you wish it could be, exactly in the way as you converse with your bestie or pal. If you develop this habit you will find yourself in one level up in devotion. You will be devoid of any wish, prayers, trouble, as you, your mind, your soul are connected to Baba. The peace that is within is unaffected with storm outside.

Holds When We Start To Fall

At times we love Baba for fulfillment of any wish and at times we get angry with Him. We always know that whatever He does is the best course of us, still selfish human mind overpowers the soft feelings and start arguing, fighting with Him and ultimately loose peace of mind. What is necessary here is to have firm faith in Baba, A Perfect Friend In Deed, as He knows our karma and He is sure to take care of us no matter what we are or what we do. He is beyond such tantrums and what is required on our part is Shraddha and Saburi. Why cant we have our eyes closed and let our Friend do any prank with us. We always know He will never do anything to harm us. He wants us to be happy and for that He don mortal coil and descended on this earth. What more we can ask from a friend.

However we can lay full trust on our Friend and allow Him to do whatever He wants with us. Believe me this is the best deal one can ever think of. He is a friend who “Holds When We Start To Fall” and never in dreams think that we are harmed in one or other way. He is ocean of mercy where one can always be held with love.

He Showers On Us Only Unconditional Love

We have always experienced that Sai Baba never demands or expects anything other than love and devotion. This friendship is such in which we are benefited more by giving only love and devotion. In return to this, we get protection, assurance, reliability and above all – we are showered with His Unconditional Love. There is no limit to the love we receive from Him. He is the most merciful and makes every effort to keep us safe. At times He does not spare us from Karma, but that is in our benefit only so that we wipe them off and tally the accounts. He is such a friend, Who is always vigilant and only knows to love and care.

He Listens To Our Every Woe

Sai Baba listens to all His devotees. While He always advocates Patience, He Himself practices as well. He acts in such a way that it sets example for all. He wants all of His devotees to be happy and contended. He knows what His devotees are going through and so He is always vigilant to listen to smallest of pleas of devotees and comfort them. It is often experienced by His devotees that they get solid proofs by Him which are life saviours for them. Even now when He is in spirit, He is very responsive and active to help His devotees. Many have experienced that Baba cries with His devotees and many have seen tears in His eyes when His devotees come to see Him. At Shirdi, when devotees get overwhelming experiences from Him, He smiles and when they share their problems, they can see Him sad and weeping.

The devotees get inexplicable experiences that Baba listens to them and give answers to their questions. In various situations He has been seen being worried for His devotees and appearing before them for their welfare.

He Forgets Worst Of Our Mistakes

We are bound by our karmas and often make mistakes being humans. At times we are aware that we are mistaken still we go on repeating. Ultimately when Baba makes them aware of those mistakes, they repent and Baba forgive them as loving mother. He is mercy incarnate and never thinks of punishing anyone. Rather He takes care and change us from within. He is more concerned for wicked and bring them on right path.

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 489


  1. U wrote very well about Sai ….as a friend …really I also felt and share every moment with baba as a friend and I even got the answers from baba to the silly questions I asked for ….he is such friend who we can share and discuss everything with him and yes defiantly he will reply …the only thing we need I'd is shradha on him and saburi … Om Sai ram…

  2. I always feel baba is my best friend and share everything what I did right Or wrong
    Trust me i always feel happy and free of sad when I was sharing the things with him on sai ram 🙏

  3. Like Best friends are always by our side in times of difficulties,Babais always by our side. Om Sai Ram.

  4. Om Sai Ram 🙏
    Yes, I have also shared what is happening with me as my Sai baba, as my guide,as my Parabramha,as my Papa, as my love ,Sai baba is everything for me… Without thinking anything, whatever my situation is joyfully or sadness, I talk with baba… BT today I like this post Saibaba is as a
    Best Friend… Wooo…. really touches my heart… Because I had a best friend.. BT now we don't talked with each other due to our some issues… BT today I see this ND think that this Friendship day I will celebrate with saibaSa as my Best freind…🙏
    Saibaba would you like to be my best friend?..from today, I am eagerly
    waiting ur answer if u would like to be my Best friend or not…

  5. Om Sai Ram! Feel so blessed! Every day is a miracle. Sai is always with us & guiding us to make a right decision. Truthful life! Om Sai ram will bless everyone who is reading this. Everyone Deserve peace & happiness. Thank you Sai! 🙏🕉

  6. Om Sai Ram. Sai Hears and Delivers, Sai is There always with US. Sai can't see his Children in pain.

  7. Om sairam,Even i have experienced His blessings,love and guidance.Im really blessed to be a part of global maha parayan.Let peace and joy prevail in everyone's life Baba.Save the world from pandemic.Remove pain from all the sufferers.Baba bless everone.

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