This article discusses the importance of balancing material needs with spiritual growth and evolution. It highlights the significance of devotion and spirituality, and how they are interconnected on the path to higher consciousness. The story of Murugan and Laxmibai illustrates the contrast between prioritizing survival and spiritual evolution. Additionally, the article delves into the concept of Sai Baba and how He represents Parabrahm, reflecting the chosen Aradhya of each devotee.
Read MoreThe Spiritual Significance Of Sai Baba’s Appearance As Lord Rama
The post highlights Sai Baba's beliefs regarding nourishment and moderation in diet for overall physical and mental health. It narrates the story of Mrs. Gokhale, who visited Baba with the intention of fasting but was instructed to prepare a meal for Dadabhat's family and herself instead. The story emphasizes the importance of nourishing the body to be able to pursue spiritual practices and the value of generosity and selflessness.
It also describes the vibrant and joyous celebration of Holi and Rangpanchami in Shirdi in 1911, where Sai Baba participated with great enthusiasm, donning colorful attire. The celebration left a lasting impression on all those who were fortunate enough to be a part of it. Additionally, the article tells the story of Tarabai Takhand, whose tender heart couldn't bear to see a young goat suffering in the intense heat of the day, emphasizing the importance of compassion and responsibility towards all living creatures.
Read MoreHoli Celebrations In Shirdi
This article tells a story translated from the Sai Sarovar book about an encounter between Sai Baba and a fakir named Matababa. The story highlights the significance of faith, patience, and virtuous living. It also emphasizes the importance of using one's life wisely to achieve spiritual goals, as exemplified by a parable about sparrows shared by Sai Baba at the end of the story.
Read MoreThe Spiritual Significance Of Saibaba’s Parables: The Tale Of The Lucky Sparrows
Daji Awasthi was a skeptic until he met a rare saint in Pune in 1897. The saint proved to Daji that God existed and there were many divine entities in the world. After that, Daji started chanting the mantra “Namah Shivaya” continuously, regardless of what he was doing, with unwavering devotion. He continued his devoted chanting even though he had yet to experience divine intervention. It wasn't until 1913 when Daji reached Shirdi and felt blessed to be in the presence of Lord Saibaba that he knew he would leave Shirdi a transformed person.
Read MoreA Lawyer’s Encounter With Lord Shiva At Shirdi

We have read in Sai Satcharitra about Dasganu Maharaj's query on a shloka of Isha Upnishad, the chapter talks about the complex nature of the literature and how Dasganu had taken up the task and goes to Baba for clarification regarding a verse in it. In this post, the verse has been shared and what teaching Baba wanted to impart is discussed.
Read MoreDasganu Maharaj’s Confusion On Isha Upnishad
Dasganu quit his job as a police officer and became a messenger of Sai Baba. Wherever he went he will talk and sing about Him. He traveled to many places to spread Baba's name and fame. Dasganu Maharaj's kirtan gave birth to curiosity about Baba and Shirdi in the minds and hearts of the audience. One of such devotee was Lala Laxmichand, let us see how he reached Shirdi.
Read MoreDasganu Maharaj’s Kirtan Brings Laxmichand To Shirdi
Sai Baba asked Dasganu to quit job many times but he kept on procrastinating. Finally a day comes when he gets trapped and he had no other go other than going to Baba and asking His forgiveness and requesting Him to have mercy on him. This led Dasganu to the composition of Reham Nazar Karo ghazal spontaneously.
Read MoreHow Dasganu Composed Reham Nazar Karo
Dasganu serving and hiding as a police officer now proceeds his journey to save his life. In this journey, he gets in contact with Nanasaheb Chandorkar. It denotes a turning point in his life.
Read MoreHow Dasganu Maharaj Composed Shirdi Maze Pandharpur
Dasganu Maharaj served in Ram temple in Loni village as a saint and all the while he was a vigilant police officer to arrest a dangerous decoit. He was an officer with courage at the same time during difficult situations he would call out to God to save him.
Read MoreDasganu Maharaj – A Dedicated Police Officer