GuruPoornima Celebrations – Day 1

This year we are celebrating GuruPoornima on July 9, 2017 where we will pay our reverence to our Guru Sai Baba. With creatives, messages and how to celebrate this day we have been celebrating this day every year on this blog. This year we are going off the beat, yes, you heard it right off the beat. The countdown for the festival has begun and so does our celebration. Well, we will be having week long celebration till July 9, The GuruPoornima Day. You will get to read and experience what Lord Baba has left for us, the treasure which we all have and we dig out gems of life. At the end of celebrations you will be welcomed to a new array of devotion to Him with twist of technology.

Let me give you some hint. Year 2018, every devotee of Lord Baba has an eye on it owing to centenary occasion of MahaSamadhi of Lord Baba. Our blog will also be completing 10 years of service and through it we all can get a chance to pay tribute to our Lord. Let me hold on here, reserving details for upcoming series posts till GuruPoornima. We want you all to hold your breath and stay aligned with us for surprise where you can serve Him and drench in devotion.

Stay blessed. May Blessings of Lord Baba be on one and all. Amen

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Hetal Patil
Hetal Patil
Articles: 489


  1. Baba bless all of us by forgiving our sins and past karmas and keep us in your holy feet forever..!!! Om Sai Ram..Hope everyone's wish come true and their faith grows multifold on their beloved Sai Baba..

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